Gerard & Kelly

Reusable Parts/Endless Love

Archive 2017
CND Centre national de la danse
septembersept 29 – 30

Conception, Gerard & Kelly
With Matthieu Barbin, Lenio Kaklea, Ryan Kelly, Angèle Micaux, Calixto Neto
Installation in collaboration with Pedro Camara
Designer, Camille Assaf
Sound, Paul Bourgeois

A Festival d’Automne à Paris production  // Co-produced by Mona Bismarck American Center (Paris) ; FIAC for the performances State of et Timelining // In association with CND Centre national de la danse (Pantin) ; Festival d’Automne à Paris for the performance Reusable Parts/Endless Love // In association with Les Spectacles vivants – Centre Pompidou (Paris) ; Festival d’Automne à Paris for the performance Timelining // With the support from FUSED: French-US Exchange in Dance, a New England Foundation for the Arts’ National Dance Project programme, from the cultural department of the Ambassade de France aux États-Unis, and FACE Foundation, with support from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the Florence Gould Foundation, and the ministère de la Culture et de la Communication français // With support from the Fondation Fiminco // With support from CND Centre national de la danse accueil en résidence // Coordination de la production, Anne Becker / PLATÔ // A Danspace Project (New York) commission  // First performed in  2011 at St Mark’s Church (New York)

Since 2003, the Los Angeles-based artists Gerard & Kelly have been working together to create installations and performance-based works which question the formation of the couple and the critical potential of intimacy. Honing in on the gaps between dance and language, Reusable Parts/Endless Love and Timelining examine the shapes that our most intimate relationships take on.
With their influences in minimalist dance, institutional critique and queer theory, Brennan Gerard and Ryan Kelly develop work at the frontier between dance and contemporary art, and in which text, video and sculpture finds its place.
In Reusable Parts/Endless Love, four performers “perform” the sound description of a kiss between a man and a woman. Its inspiration lies in a performance by Tino Sehgal in 2010. This intimate and symbolic gesture is declined, repeated and transmitted in a potentially unlimited loop. This in turn reveals the mechanics of the act itself and sets forth a multitude of gender-related combinations. After all, isn’t this love ritual a performance just like any other?

Gerard & Kelly also present State of  at Palais de la Découverte and  Timelining at Centre Pompidou

In the same place