Radouan Mriziga

Atlas/The Mountain

CND Centre national de la danse
novembernov 14 – 16

French premiere

45 minutes

Prices € 8 to € 15
Subscribers € 5 and € 10

CND Centre national de la danse

Thursday november 14


Friday november 15


Saturday november 16


Choreography and performance Radouan Mriziga. Coordination Synda Jebali. Assistant Mohamed Ridha Ben Khoud. Sound design Zouheir Atbane. Costumes Salah Barka with the assistance of Emna Bououn and Rim Abbes. 

Production L’Art Rue (Tunis) ; A7LA5 vzw (Brussels)
Coproduction CND Centre national de la danse ; DE SINGEL (Antwerp) ; Theater Freiburg ; Festival d’Automne à Paris
Distribution Something Great

The CND Centre national de la danse and the Festival d’Automne à Paris are co-producers pf this show and present it as a co-realisation.

In Atlas/The Mountain, the Moroccan choreographer Radouan Mriziga transforms his body into a catalyst for energies and traditions from the Atlas Mountains. This solo in the form of a ritual is transcended by polymorphic figures and captivating rhythms.

Atlas/The Mountain is the first part of a trilogy which is devoted to the elements, and will be followed by the desert (Magec) and the sea (Awessu). Taking its inspiration from the mythological stories of the Amazigh culture, from which the choreographer originates, Atlas is deeply rooted in this cultural ecosystem. From these roots the piece extracts an ensemble of knowledge and practices linked to art, philosophy, science and craftsmanship. In preparation for this solo, Radouan Mriziga draws upon a combination of traditions, namely the dances, costumes and music that he collected in North Africa, in order to expose a body that is modelled by rhythms, and drawn into a constantly changing spiral. The mountains, a symbol with multiple facets, place which is both difficult to access and a refuge, a door to the sky and a link with the sacred, provided him with the basis for this process of metamorphosis. Through the prism of abstraction and geometry, his dance summons mysterious presences and occult forces. Like a crossing, or initiatory journey, the half-human, half-animal figures that he brings to the stage put those present in contact with the distant peaks, and set up a space for the sharing of practices and knowledge.