Marion Duval


Théâtre de la Bastille
octoberoct 9 – 19


Prices € 8 to € 26
Subscribers € 8 to € 19

Théâtre de la Bastille

Wednesday october 9


Thursday october 10


Friday october 11


Saturday october 12


Wednesday october 16


Thursday october 17


Friday october 18


Saturday october 19


Performance by Cécile Laporte. Directed by Marion Duval. Conceived by Marion Duval, Luca Depietri (KKuK). Dramaturgy Adina Secretan. Assistant, singing, acting and stage management Louis Bonard. Costume and puppet Severine Besson. Sound and music Olivier Gabus. Set design and lighting Florian Leduc. Collaboration on set design Djonam Saltatni, Iommy Sanchez. Video and stage management Diane Blondeau. Acting and stage management (alternating) Louis Bonard, Diane Blondeau, Marion Duval, Maxime Gorbatchevsky, Sophie Lebrun, Papi. Lighting director Vicky Althaus. 3D animation Iommy Sanchez, Lauren Sanchez Calero. Distribution Anthony Revillard. Administration Laure Chapel – Pâquis et Marie Lacoux. Production collaboration Anna Ladeira – Le Voisin.
Director of the Théâtre de la Bastille, Lucien Prunenec.

Production Chris Cadillac
Coproduction Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain (Lausanne) ; Théâtre Saint-Gervais (Genève) 
With the support of Pro Helvetia – Fondation suisse pour la culture ; Loterie Romande ; Pour-cent culturel Migros ; Fondation Ernst Göhner ; Fondation Engelberts
With research support from La Manufacture – Haute école des arts de la scène – recherche et développement (Lausanne) 
As part of Swiss Dance Week with the Centre culturel suisse. On tour

The Théâtre de la Bastille and the Festival d'Automne à Paris present this show in co-realisation. 

With the Centre culturel suisse. On tour

Marion Duval in Midis de culture
Listen on France Culture

Certain encounters are life-changing. This piece is about Marion Duval's encounter with Cécile Laporte, an activist and author to whom she has decided to dedicate a show. The resulting 'truth-performance' is an inspiring one and enables us to embrace the unbearable complexity of the world in a light-hearted way.

Part show, part performance and part actress, Cécile has lived a thousand lives. Heroine of her own stories, she tells them on stage in a self-deprecating way with simplicity and humility. “Cécile makes the people around her burst into flower”. Self-taught in every way,  she carries out her battles as ecologist, porn activist, specialist in therapeutic psychotropic drugs, hospital clown and defender of the rights of refugees with a mixture of fragility and ever-generous enthusiasm. In a performance in which she agrees to play her own role, she relates, in an unrestrained, self-deprecating way, her adventures, memories and battles. She navigates through the different scenes of her life, captivating the public with her - at times - unbridled freedom. We follow it as if we were following an odyssey, with all its thrilling and enjoyable constituent parts.