Marcelo Evelin, Demolition Incorporada


Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse
decemberdec 5 – 8


Prices € 8 to € 41
Subscribers € 8 to € 27

Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse

Thursday december 5


Friday december 6


Saturday december 7


Sunday december 8


Conception and choreography Marcelo Evelin/Demoltion Incorporada. Creation and performance Bruno Moreno, Fernanda Silva, Gui de Areia, Luís Carlos Garcia, Márcio Nonato, Rosângela Sulidade, Vanessa Nunes. Dramaturgy Carolina Mendonça. Artistic creation assistance Bruno Moreno. Light Márcio Nonato. Sound Danilo Carvalho. Costumes Gui de Areia. Preparation and rehearsal Mariana Alves, Vanessa Nunes. Technical direction Andrez Ghizze. Administration and logistics Humilde Alves.

Production direction Regina Veloso/REVOADA production house 
Production and touring Sofia Matos/Materiais Diversos
Coproduction Teatro Municipal do Porto ; Festival Montpellier Danse 2022 ; Festival d’Automne à Paris 
Residencies, Campo Arte – Estúdio Demolition Incorporada (Teresina) ; Teatro Municipal do Porto – Teatro Campo Alegre ; La Vignette, scène conventionnée – Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 
With the support of the República Portuguesa – Cultura / Direção-Geral das Artes
With the support of the Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian – Délégation en France

The Festival d’Automne à Paris is co-producer of this show and present it in co-realisation with Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse.


With the support of

In this piece, the choreographer Marcelo Evelin, from the north-east region of Brazil, invites us to set foot inside a metaphorical forest and its ecological condition. Through minimalist dance, and guided by the call of the legendary Uirapuru, a rare and endangered bird, six performers embody the promise of discovering what is and what still eludes our senses.

Beneath a nest, and lit by an equatorial sun, a group of almost naked beings with adorned throats takes a step. The only things that change in relation to this side-step are its rhythm, amplitude and the axis. It is a motif taken from a ritual dance practiced in the town of Teresina, where Marcelo Evelin comes from. The result of this pared-down approach is that we see the bodies more clearly, as well as the long-awaited bird. Here too, we see the artist calling upon an indigenous legend, namely that of the story of an impossible love which would have made a warrior of this Uirapuru, meaning 'man transformed into a bird' in the Tupi-Guarani language. This bird's melodious song is entrancing and its rare appearances bring good luck. In this gentle piece Marcelo Evelin, a faithful Festival d'Automne companion, formulates a need for peace and beauty. The performers, all of whom are from the Brazilian Northeast, take in the forest, embodying the diversity of Brazilian identities and their union in a single movement. The latter is a pulsating form of suspension turned towards hope.