Thomas Quillardet

En addicto

Archive 2023

World premiere


Text and performance, Thomas Quillardet
Artistic collaboration, Jeanne Candel
Dramaturgy, Guillaume Poix
Lighting and stage management, Milan Denis
Collaborator, Titiane Barthel, Ernestine Bluteau, Frédéric Gigout et Guillaume Laloux
Production and administration director, Maëlle Grange
Production and diffusion director, Marie Lenoir
Director manager,  Fanny Spiess

Produced by 8 AVRIL
Coproduced by Festival d'Automne à Paris; Théâtre de la Ville-Paris; Le Trident - Scène nationale de Cherbourg-en-Cotentin; La rose des vents - scène nationale de Lille Métropole à Villeneuve-d'Ascq
With the support of Théâtre Ouvert-Centre national des dramaturgies contemporaines; L'Azimut / Antony - Châtenay-Malabry; La vie brève – Théâtre de l’Aquarium ; Théâtre Jacques Carat de Cachan.
The Théâtre de la Ville-Paris and the Festival d'Automne à Paris are co-producers and co-presenters of this performance.
8 AVRIL is supported by the Drac Île-de-France region under the artistic and cultural performence
With the support of Fondation de France 

Alone onstage, Thomas Quillardet unravels the stories of patients he encountered during an artistic residency in a hospital. He assembles a polyphony of voices in order to share in his empathy and create a radiography of what links us together.

The origins of this piece, written, directed and performed by Thomas Quillardet, stem from the experience of an immersion period in a hospital addiction unit. Lasting six months, this residency, made possible by the Festival d’Automne within the framework of its 'Assistance publique – Hôpitaux de Paris et de l'alliance Culture-Santé' partnership, was not only rich in encounters but also provided a means of reconnecting with the tools of theatre, in their simplest form of expression. For patients whom any notions of self-esteem have long since deserted them, the mere fact of moving about, affirming their presence, and casting their gaze are just some of the exercises which can help restore it. Thomas Quillardet uses this same simplicity, void of the artifices of staging, in order to relate his experiences. What form of spoken word circulates in this encounter between individuals trying to wean themselves off their various forms of addiction, over-worked hospital staff and a theatre director? In a polyphony of voices, carried along by a finely-tuned sense of rhythm, En addicto unravels stories and life histories, as well as moments of joy and emptiness. It also examines, in a documentary-style way, the institution of the hospital itself, addiction and its treatment. The same question arises: how can we ease pain?

In the same place

Théâtre de la Ville – Sarah Bernhardt
septembersept 13 – 22

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Radouan Mriziga / Rosas, A7LA5
Il Cimento dell’Armonia e dell’Inventione


In collaboration with the choreographer and dancer Radouan Mriziga, the challenge taken up by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker is to make Vivaldi's Four Seasons heard, using the tools of dance to hone the way we listen to this baroque masterpiece. Under the auspices of abstraction, the resulting alliance reconnects with the imaginary ecological world that is conjured up by this famous concerto.

Théâtre de la Ville – Sarah Bernhardt
septembersept 23 – 28

Rabih Mroué
Who’s Afraid of Representation?

Theatre Portrait

We find ourselves in the company of major figures of European Body Art (Joseph Beuys, Orlan, Marina Abramović, to name a few) via their accounts of exhibitions and public scarifications dating back to the 1970s. In parallel with this runs the true story of a killing spree carried out by a Lebanese office at his workplace, and the fluctuating motivations for his acts.

Théâtre de la Ville – Sarah Bernhardt
octoberoct 3 – 5
Maison des Arts de Créteil
novembernov 6 – 7

Lola Arias
Los días afuera

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At the crossroads between musical and documentary, Lola Arias brings us a choral composition in which six female former inmates talk about their lives during and after incarceration. Their six intertwining destinies raise questions about the various forms of violence present in contemporary society, whilst exploring the margins of fiction and reality at the same time.

Théâtre de la Ville – Sarah Bernhardt
novembernov 5 – 16

Robert Wilson
PESSOA – Since I've been me

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The hero of this new work by Robert Wilson is Fernando Pessoa. And a paradoxical hero at that. The Portuguese poet spent his life 'multiplying himself', inventing heteronyms, or fictitious authors, to whom he attributed works he himself wrote. He even went as far as to invent relationships, either amicable ones or from master to disciple, between his different avatars.

Théâtre de la Ville – Sarah Bernhardt
novembernov 19 – 23

Jan Martens

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In this breakthrough piece for Jan Martens, VOICE NOISE brings together six dancers to shape a soundscape comprising some of the great female performers and composers of our time. In his own pop-inspired and precise way, the choreographer questions a very contemporary story, and in doing so raises the question of how some of these voices were silenced.