François Gremaud

Phèdre !

Archive 2023


Conceived and directed by, François Gremaud
With, Romain Daroles
Text, François Gremaud d’après Jean Racine
With Romain Daroles
Assistant director, Arnaud Huguenin, Floriane Mésenge
Stage assistant, Mathias Brossard
Lights, Stéphane Gattoni

A production by 2B company
Executive producer, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne
With the support from Ville de Lausanne; Canton de Vaud; Loterie Romande Pourcent culturel Migros; Hirzel Stiftung; CORODIS, Une Fondation privée genevoise; Pro Helvetia Fondation suisse pour la Culturea

With support from Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels

Phèdre ! is not PhèdrePhèdre ! is a comedy that looks like a conference about Phèdre, Racine's tragedy. François Gremaud has written an exhilarating score for an actor who draws upon his passion for the theatre to summon up an irresistible exclamation of joy.

Alone onstage, an orator recounts the story of Phèdre, its context, mythological origins of its characters and Racine's writing. He then ends up performing the piece, in his own way. Romain Daroles – “révélation théâtrale” of the 57th Prix du Syndicat de la critique in 2020 – is this passionate conference speaker takes on all the roles with no other accessory than a book and sublimates the Alexandrian metre with his south-west France accent. Alongside Giselle... - also on the line-up at the Festival d'Automne's 50th edition – François Gremaud brings us the first opus in a triptych focusing on tragic female figures from classical works of the performing arts. The author and director has developed a style which consists of reducing a piece into a “paraphrase” for an orator. Without depriving it of its marvellous language and emotion it stirs up, the tragedy is twisted into a work of comedy bristling with cultural references from today's world and priceless plays on words. If Phèdre is the expression of passion, Phèdre ! is the exclamation of the joy in the de-dramatisation of tragedy.

In the same place

Théâtre de la Ville – Les Abbesses
septembersept 12 – 26
Espace 1789, scène conventionnée danse – Saint-Ouen
octoberoct 8 – 9
Théâtre Cinéma de Choisy-le-Roi – Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national art et création pour la diversité linguistique
octoberoct 11
Points communs – Théâtre 95
decemberdec 18 – 19

Mohamed El Khatib
La vie secrète des vieux

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Mohamed El Khatib furthers his passion for documentary theatre by tackling a subject that he brings from out of the shadows, namely that of eroticism and the love lives of “oldies”. Put together in a daring yet tender way, his new piece explores this theme from the perspective of desire, thereby going against the usual connotations associated with old age. 

Centre Pompidou
octoberoct 23 – 26
Points communs – Théâtre 95
novembernov 12 – 13

Ligia Lewis
Still Not Still

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In Still Not Still, choreographer Ligia Lewis pursues her exploration into the silences and shadows of history. In this piece, the performers play out a score over and over again, the burlesque dimension of which makes it all the more tragic.

Théâtre du Rond-Point
novembernov 5 – 17
Points communs – Théâtre 95
novembernov 21 – 22

Mohamed Bourouissa, Zazon Castro
Quartier de femmes

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At the crossroads between theatre and stand-up, the first show by the visual artist Mohamed Bourouissa brings to the stage the different phases in the life of a woman in prison and its transformations. In the absence of pathos, the piece uses humour to circumvent the arduous nature of its subject matter.

Points communs – Théâtre 95
decemberdec 3 – 5

Calixto Neto

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Starting with the initial premise that a black body is by its very nature exposed to the danger of expropriation, or that of being stolen from itself, Calixto Neto tries to resist against exterior control and the risk of annihilation. In this exercise in ventriloquism, the Brazilian choreographer searches for the words with which to write dance.