Euzhan Palcy


Archive 2023

This event is organized by the Cinemas from the Ddepartment culture and creation of the Centre Pompidou in association with the Festival d'Automne à Paris

Since the release of her first feature film, Rue Cases-Nègres, in 1983, Euzhan Palcy has continued to produce work characterized by its strong social and political engagement. It comprises more than ten films to date, alternating between fiction for the cinema and documentaries. Already highly reputed on the other side of the Atlantic, the filmmaker accompanies, for the first time in France, a retrospective of her films in the presence of numerous guests.

As a child growing up in Martinique in the 1960s, and with a shared passion, from an early age, for American cinema as well as that of François Truffaut, Euzhan Palcy has been unceasing, since her first film Rue Cases-Nègres, in her endeavours to bring to the screen the multitude of stories from Black communities in France and the United States. A graduate of the École Louis Lumière, and the first female director to be awarded a César, she also took on the status of a pioneer figure by directing, in 1989, her second feature film in Hollywood, A Dry White Season, based on the novel by André Brink, and starring Marlon Brando. "I do not film with my camera. I fix things... I attempt, in my modest way, to heal the gaping wounds of history," she explained in 2019, while guest of honor at the Créteil Women's Film Festival. At the Centre Pompidou, the filmmaker presents a lifetime of work, broadened by the incursion into the documentary format with, in particular, the triptych Aimé Césaire, une voix pour l'histoire (1994), and Parcours de dissidents (2005). In 2022, she received an honorary Oscar for her career.


Film screenings 

  • Wednesday 8 November 8pm I Opening night with a screening of Rue Cases-Nègres (1983, 103 minutes), in the presence of Euzhan Palcy more information
  • Thursday 9 Novembre 8pm I Screening of A Dry White Season (1989, 106 minutes), in the presence of Euzhan Palcy and journalist and politician Audrey Pulvar more information
  • Saturday 11th Novembre 4pm I Screening of Ruby Bridges (1998, 96 minutes), preceded by How Are the Kids? / Hassane (1990, 11 minutes), in the presence of Euzhan Palcy and filmmaker Maïmouna Doucouré more information
  • Sunday 12th November 5pm I Masterclass by Euzhan Palcy - free admission subject to availability
  • Sunday 12th November 8pm I Screening of Siméon (1992, 115 minutes), in the presence of Euzhan Palcy and the singer Meryl more information
  • Monday 13 November 8pm I Screening of Parcours de dissidents (2005, 88 minutes), preceded by L'Ami fondamental, Aimé Césaire/Léopold Sédar Senghor (2008, 18 minutes), with Euzhan Palcy and journalist Harry Roselmack more information
  • Wednesday 15 November 8pm I Screening of Aimé Césaire, une voix pour l'Histoire (1994, 3x52 minutes), presented by Rokhaya Diallo, as part of the 110th anniversary of the birth of Aimé Césaire more information
  • Thursday 16 November 7pm I Screening of Les Mariés de l'Isle Bourbon (2007, 180 minutes) more information
  • Friday 17 November 8pm I Screening of Siméon (1992, 115 minutes), in the presence of Euzhan Palcy more information
  • Saturday 18 November 4pm I Screening of Aimé Césaire, une voix pour l'Histoire (1994, 3x52 minutes) more information
  • Saturday 18 November 8pm I Screening of Rue Cases-Nègres (1983, 103 minutes), presented by Emmanuel Burdeau more information
  • Sunday 19 November 3pm I Screening of Ruby Bridges (1998, 96 minutes), preceded by How Are the Kids? / Hassane (1990, 11 minutes) more information
  • Sunday 19 Novembre 6pm I Screening of A Dry White Season (1989, 106 minutes) more information

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