Mohamed El Khatib
Mes parents
Designed and directed by Mohamed El Khatib
With the help of Cohort X of École du Théâtre national de Bretagne (Rennes)
Featuring, alternatingly, Hinda Abdelaoui, Olga Abolina, Louis Atlan, Laure Blatter, Aymen Bouchou, Clara Bretheau, Valentin Clabault, Maxime Crochard, Amélie Gratias, Romain Gy, Alice Kudlak, Julien Lewkowicz, Arthur Rémi, Raphaëlle Rousseau, Salomé Scotto, Merwane Tajouiti, Maxime Thébault, Bachir Tlili, Lucas Van Poucke, Mathilde Viseux, and Lalou Wysocka
Staging assistant, Dimitri Hatton
Stage work and project assistant, Vassia Chavaroche
Stage design, Mathilde Vallantin-Dulac
Lights design and direction, Jonathan Douchet
Sound and video design and direction, Arnaud Léger
Image and editing, Emmanuel Manzano
Costumes, Laure Blatter, Salomé Scotto, Mathilde Viseux
Produced by Théâtre National de Bretagne (Rennes); Zirlib
With support from École supérieure d’art dramatique du TNB’s integration scheme
Zirlib has a contract with the Ministry of Culture – Drac Centre-Val de Loire, through Région Centre-Val de Loire, with support from Ville d’Orléans.
Mohamed El Khatib is an associate artist at Théâtre de la Ville; Théâtre national de Bretagne à Rennes; Théâtre national Wallonie-Bruxelles; and Malraux – scène nationale Chambéry Savoie
Co-directed by Théâtre de la Ville – Paris; Festival d’Automne à Paris
For the best part of a decade, Mohamed El Khatib, the author and director, has been carving out a niche for himself with his investigations into our different sensitivities. The subject of this latest piece is that of the intimacy of our parents. Based on the thoughts of students at the Ecole du Théâtre national de Bretagne, he brings us a vibrant theatrical composition that defies all classification.
The private lives of our parents, a taboo subject which arose during a writing workshop, gave the director the idea of enabling the young actors and actresses to investigate what lies beneath the tip of the family iceberg. Nothing is excluded in this hunt for the different elements of the love story of our parents, ranging from confessions, imitations, childhood memories, wedding photos, and telephone messages, to accounts of passionate encounters - in all their wonderful, sometimes contradictory detail. Investigating, as ever, those areas of our intimate lives where we are all equal, Mohamed El Khatib weaves the different trials and tribulations, fragments of stories, and the unsaid, into a theatrical, chorus-led score, the sparsity of which brings out the authenticity of the onstage actions. This mosaic mirrors a universal reality, that of parent-child relationships. At the same time, it also builds up an affectionate, subtle portrait of an entire generation, that of the 1970’s. Following on from La Dispute, the artist once again gives us more proof of the power of art to create links.
See also
Mohamed El Khatib La vie secrète des vieux
Mohamed El Khatib furthers his passion for documentary theatre by tackling a subject that he brings from out of the shadows, namely that of eroticism and the love lives of “oldies”. Put together in a daring yet tender way, his new piece explores this theme from the perspective of desire, thereby going against the usual connotations associated with old age.
Talents Adami Theater, Mohamed El Khatib Stand-up
What will it be this time: thunderous applause or icy silence? In Mohamed El Khatib's opinion, the inherently risky nature of stand-up comedy elevates it to a theatrical art in its own right. A framework for expression of all kinds, it clears the path for transgressive laughter, in a cathartic space which brings us all together.
In the same place
Mohamed El Khatib La vie secrète des vieux
Mohamed El Khatib furthers his passion for documentary theatre by tackling a subject that he brings from out of the shadows, namely that of eroticism and the love lives of “oldies”. Put together in a daring yet tender way, his new piece explores this theme from the perspective of desire, thereby going against the usual connotations associated with old age.
Jérôme Combier, Alberto Posadas, Salvatore Sciarrino
The music of Jérôme Combier opens up the way we listen to the details of the world and their subtle mutations. Poetic, and punctuated by mysterious outbursts, his music celebrates a plasticity which in turn shapes its instrumental and electronic elements. Strands, his latest work, sets up relationships between the animal and plant worlds, weaving spider's web-like threads between.