Fanny de Chaillé

Une autre histoire du théâtre

Archive 2022


Design and staging, Fanny de Chaillé
Featuring Malo Martin, Tom Verschueren, Margot Viala, Valentine Vittoz
Assistant, Christophe Ives
Lights, Willy Cessa
Sound, Manuel Coursin

Produced by Association Display
Co-produced by Malraux, scène nationale Chambéry Savoie; Théâtre Public de Montreuil, centre dramatique national; Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse (Paris); La Comédie de Clermont-Ferrand scène nationale; Points communs, Nouvelle scène nationale de Cergy-Pontoise et du Val d’Oise; Théâtre nouvelle génération – CDN de Lyon; Le Quartz – scène nationale de Brest; le lieu unique – scène nationale de Nantes; Théâtre Garonne scène européenne de Toulouse; Théâtre Molière – Sète, scène nationale archipel de Thau; Festival d’Automne à Paris
Display has a contract with the Ministry of Culture, Drac Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, and has the « Compagnie Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes » certification issued by the regional authorities
Fanny de Chaillé is an associate artist at Malraux, scène nationale Chambéry Savoie

In partnership with France Culture

The artist Fanny de Chaillé turns the stage into a place in which ideas circulate, and where bodies become the vehicle for thought. In the company of a troupe of young actors, she dissects theatre and its history. In doing so, she investigates the power of acting itself, and its roots in the here and now of onstage performance.  

Theatre has, for decades, been reinventing itself at the crossroads between the visual arts, dance, and music, and it is these radical changes and mutations that Fanny de Chaillé recounts in Une autre histoire du théâtre. Put differently, the piece deals with how the advent of transdisciplinarity has revolutionized theatre, the way we view it, and how it has enabled new forms to find their place. In order to this, she brings to the stage four young performers that she worked with during her previous creation, Le Choeur. Together, they perform major scenes from the classic works, and examine their models, or references, in order to play around with the frontiers between fiction and reality, thereby putting acting and theatrical illusion on display. Aimed at younger audiences, the piece summons up the practice of the actor or actress and its fundamental place in the history of theatre. At the heart of all theatrical creation lies the following central question: what are the deep-down reasons for wanting to become an actor or actress? Thanks to their movements and energy, these four actors and actresses embrace the whole history of theatre, and share it with us.  

In the same place

Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse
septembersept 26 - 29
Malakoff Scène nationale – Théâtre 71
novembernov 7

Nina Laisné, Nestor 'Pola' Pastorive
Como una baguala oscura

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In Como una baguala oscura, Nina Laisné teams up with dancer and choreographer Nestor 'Pola' Pastorive in this musical and danced portrait of Argentinian pianist Hilda Herrera. With its exploration of the roots of popular and folk music, she brings us a lively show with the hallmark of freedom stamped firmly upon it.

Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse
novembernov 28 - 30

Robyn Orlin, Garage Dance Ensemble, uKhoiKhoi
…How in salts desert is it possible to blossom...

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This piece is the fruit of the first encounter between Robyn Orlin and the iconic South African company Garage Dance Ensemble. The latter practices dance theatre which is committed to equality and social justice. In the company of performers from the Northern Cape region, she brings us a no-holds-barred performance that questions the origins of social violence.

Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse
decemberdec 5 - 8

Marcelo Evelin, Demolition Incorporada

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In this piece, the choreographer Marcelo Evelin, from the north-east region of Brazil, invites us to set foot inside a metaphorical forest and its ecological condition. Through minimalist dance, and guided by the call of the legendary Uirapuru, a rare and endangered bird, six performers embody the promise of discovering what is and what still eludes our senses.