Renata Carvalho

Manifesto Transpofágico

Archive 2021
Théâtre de la Ville – Espace Cardin
septembersept 22 – 25

Dramaturge and performer, Renata Carvalho
Director, Luiz Fernando Marques (Lubi)
Lighting, Wagner Antônio
Video, Cecília Lucchesi
Lighting design and adaptation, Juliana Augusta
This show is presented in association with Théâtre de la Ville-Paris and Festival d’Automne à Paris.
A Corpo Rastreado production (São Paulo)
A coproduction between Risco Festival (São Paulo) ; MITsp – Mostra Internacional de Teatro de São Paulo ; and Corpo Rastreado (São Paulo)
In association with Théâtre de la Ville-Paris ; and Festival d’Automne à Paris
With support from Fondation d’entreprise Hermès
Partnership with France Culture

By exposing her own body, Renata Carvalho lays bare the historical exclusion and folklorification of the transvestite body. In doing so, she tears apart the tortuous roots of prejudices anchored in different registers, such as grammar, medicine and justice. A solo performance for a shared proclamation.

With a show bravely denouncing the authoritarianism of the current government, backed up by a piece of work on the Evangelicals, Renata Carvalho has caused a stir across many stages in Brazil and left a mark on many people. One such person is Lia Rodrigues, who suggested that the Festival d’Automne à Paris invite her to perform her latest creation. Manifesto Transpofágico dissects the social construction and representation of transgender bodies, dismantles the sexualisation, stereotypes, structural transphobia and criminalisation with which they are impregnated, and the violence of the pathological image which is attributed to them. From out of this comes the dream of ‘transpophagy’, the idea of eating and digesting this body, and the call for it to be looked at… beneath the neon lights on which appears, from time to time, to obsessive effect, the word “TRANSVESTITE”. The artist invites us to view this transvestite body as a form of experience, a laboratory, a manifesto, that of the affirmation of the historicity of corporalities.