Marco Berrettini Jonathan Capdevielle Jérôme Marin
Music all
decemberdec 6 – 15
Concept and performed by, Marco Berrettini, Jonathan Capdevielle, and Jérôme Marin
Live music, Théo Harfoush
Stunts, Franck Saurel
Artistic assistant, Louis Bonnard
Scenography and lighting, Bruno Faucher
Lighting, Antoine Friderici
Costumes, Colombe Lauriot Prévost
Sound creation, Vanessa Court
A coproduction by T2G – Théâtre de Gennevilliers and Festival d’Automne à Paris. This show is produced in association with T2G – Théâtre de Gennevilliers and Festival d’Automne à Paris.
Executive producer, Association Poppydog ; and *Melk Prod.
A coproduction by ARSENIC – Centre d’art scénique contemporain (Lausanne) ; ADC – Geneva; CCN2 – Centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble as part of their studio programme; Manège, scène nationale – Reims ; Le Théâtre des 13 vents – Centre dramatique national de Montpellier ; Théâtre de Lorient – Centre dramatique national ; Centre dramatique national Orléans Centre-Val de Loire ; T2G – Théâtre de Gennevilliers, centre dramatique national ; and Festival d’Automne à Paris
In association with T2G – Théâtre de Gennevilliers ; and Festival d’Automne à Paris
With thanks to Nanterre-Amandiers, centre dramatique national
With support from Fondation Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung
The *Melk Prod. company benefits from a joint assistance programme by Ville de Genève, le Canton de Genève and Pro Helvetia, Fondation suisse pour la culture.
With support from la fondation Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung and la fondation Ernst Göhner
Guided by their respective practices of dance and song, Marco Berrettini, Jonathan Capdevielle and Jérôme Marin join forces for the first time and sway the frontiers of cabaret, in the form of performers surpassed by their roles.
If all the world is a stage, it is safer to say that the stage is a world. That of the music-hall is like a disco ball which captures and reflects an infinite number of realities, artistic disciplines, moods, avatars, lights, things and clever tricks. It is host to both the fairy-like and the pathetic, set to the tune of dance-inducing variety. But between the artist, the character, and man, who is actually onstage? This bewildering question – a notion which lies at the very heart of entertainment – guides Marco Berrettini, Jonathan Capdevielle and Jérôme Marin in this Music all in which self-abandon and failure are its explosive driving forces. Camped out a motorway rest area, the trio – accompanied by the actor-stuntman Franck Saurel – indulge in an array of hits, revisited and transformed live onstage by the musician Théo Harfoush. Together they bring us a never-ending music-hall number in which the desires and obsessions of each of them comes to light. The evening's proceedings are shiny, with lots of thrills and spills, wrapped up in an uninterrupted movement of characters performing a choreographic, theatrical and musical piece of work with, from time to time, improvised passages.
In the same place