Jérôme Bel
Jérôme Bel
octoberoct 5 – 9
novembernov 30 - december – dec 30
decemberdec 14 – 18
Conception, texte and interpretation, Jérôme Bel
Assistant, Maxime Kurvers
With Frédéric Seguette, Claire Haenni, Gisèle Pelozuelo, Yseult Roch, Olga De Soto, Peter Vandenbempt, Sonja Augart, Simone Verde, Esther Snelder, Nicole Beutler, Eva Meyer Keller, Germana Civera, Benoît Izard, Ion Munduate, Cuqui Jerez, Juan Dominguez, Carine Charaire, Hester Van Hasselt, Dina Ed Dik, Amaia Urra, Carlos Pez, Henrique Neves, Johannes Sundrup, Damian Bright, Matthias Brücker, Remo Beuggert, Julia Häusermann, Tiziana Pagliaro, Miranda Hossle, Peter Keller, Gianni Blumer, Matthias Grandjean, Sara Hess, Lorraine Meier, Simone Truong, Dasol Kwon, Jaeheon Kwon, Minki Kim, Haju Kim, Hyunwoo Kim, Miyong Park, Seulhee Park, Soyeon Park, Salomé Dubois, Jeeyong Urm, Yoonhee You, Dohee Lee, Minjin Lee, Seughyun Lee, Jihoon Lee, Jihee Lee, Jinwoo Lee, Seyoung Jeon, Catherine Gallant
Images, Herman Sorgeloos, Pierre Dupouey, Chloé Mossessian, Aldo Lee, Marie-Hélène Rebois
Video production, CND Centre national de la danse ; Opéra national de Paris / Telmondis en association avec France 2 et avec la participation de Mezzo et du Centre national de la cinématographie ; R.B. Jérôme Bel / Theater Hora, SPAF (Gala Seoul Executive Director Younjin Kim, Assistant Director Soyeoun Lim, Producer Choah Park, Coordinator Jiwool Yang), French Institute Alliance Française - FIAF
Production R.B. Jérôme Bel (Paris)
Co-production Ménagerie de Verre (Paris) ; La Commune centre dramatique national d’Aubervilliers ; R.B. Jérôme Bel (Paris) ; Festival d’Automne à Paris
The writing of the text of this show is part of the creation process of Sustainable theatre ?, developed by Katie Mitchell, Jérôme Bel and Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne and co-produced by Dramaten Stockholm, MC2 Grenoble, National Theater & Concert Hall Taipei, NTGent, Piccolo Teatro di Milano - Teatro d'Europa, Teatro Nacional D. Maria II (Lisbonne), Théâtre de Liège, Lithuanian National Drama Theatre - Vilnius, Croatian national theatre (Zagreb), Slovene National Theatre Maribor, Trafó (Budapest).
Thanks to Marie-José Malis, Frédéric Seguette, Christophe Wavelet, Danielle Lainé, Florian Gaité, Jolente de Keersmaeker, Xavier Le Roy, Caroline Barneaud, Zoé De Sousa, Daphné Biiga Nwanak, Chiara Gallerani
Approximate duration: 2h
The piece includes scenes of nudity.
R.B. Jérôme Bel is supported by the Ministère de la Culture, DRAC Île-de-France
With Isadora Duncan, Jérôme Bel drew up, for the first time, the danced portrait of a choreographer, focussing uniquely on the transmission of her work to performers. In this latest creation, which he qualifies as “auto-bio-choreographic”, he lends himself to his own exercise and delivers a personal account of a life of dance.
Whereas the film Rétrospective (2019) gave viewers a cross-section of the work of Jérôme Bel, this creation reconstitutes its linear logic, set forth according to a necessarily subjective viewpoint. Alone onstage, the choreographer’s performed address responds to the screening of archive footage or music extracts and brings to life memories of gestures, scores, and biographical facts brought into correspondence by the discourse itself. An eponymous project of a fundamental piece of his repertory, Jérôme Bel is, conversely, less of a return to an initial point, and even less an a posteriori summing up. Rather, it is a genealogy of the driving forces behind his work, in which the personal and the artistic come together. Indeed, Jérôme Bel tells his own story for the first time, evoking his childhood, sharing with us his doubts, failures and infatuations. Allying account and meaning, the piece articulates in this way fragments of his life, career and intellectual project in order to unveil the common structures.
See also