Flora Détraz

Échelle Humaine - Tutuguri

Archive 2021

Design Interpretation: Flora Détraz
Lighting: Arthur Gueydan
External view and physical preparation: Anaïs Dumaine
Acknowledgements: Konrad Kaniuk
Production: PLI
Coproductions: Materiais Diversos (Pt), PACT- Zollverein (De), MA scène nationale, Montbéliard (Fr), Relais culturel de Falaise (Fr), CCN de Caen en Normandie (Fr)
Tutuguri has received financial support from DRAC Normandie, the French Institute of Portugal and the Gulbenkian Foundation.

Tutuguri is about seeing and hearing a dance. Here, the vocal cords and the body are at stake.

From this vocal body emanates a whole range of sounds: singing, whispering, snatches of conversation, animal noises, infant cries or alien rattles. The sounds slide and clash with the gestures.
Sometimes the audible corresponds to the visible, sometimes, on the contrary, they telescope, shift, produce unexpected and disconcerting assemblages. The body is transformed into a receptacle, a refuge for a multitude of beings, identities and stories.
Tutuguri is a being that has swallowed up worlds.

In the same place

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ConferenceTheatre Portrait

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