Émilie Rousset, Louise Hémon

Les Océanographes

Archive 2021

Concept, text and direction, Émilie Rousset, Louise Hémon
With Saadia Bentaïeb, and Antonia Buresi
Music, Julie Normal
Stage design and construction, Nadia Lauro
Lighting design, Willy Cessa
Costumes, Angèle Micaux
Mask design and production, Stéphanie Argentier
In association with T2G – Théâtre de Gennevilliers and Festival d’Automne à Paris.
A production by John Corporation
A coproduction between T2G – Théâtre de Gennevilliers, centre dramatique national ; Théâtre de Lorient – Centre dramatique national ; Fonds d’aide à la création mutualisé, théâtres partenaires du FACM ; Points communs, nouvelle scène nationale de Cergy-Pontoise et du Val d’Oise ; and Le phénix, scène nationale de Valenciennes – pôle européen de création
In association with T2G – Théâtre de Gennevilliers ; and Festival d’Automne à Paris
In partnership with Cinémathèque de Bretagne, Normandie Images and the Archives department of Lorient
With financial support from Région Île-de-France and participation of DiCRéAM

Following on from Rituel 4 : Le Grand Débat, Émilie Rousset and Louise Hémon probe into the archives of Anita Conti, the first French female oceanographer, ecological pioneer and first female scientist to enter into the closed world of mariners and document her findings.

In 1952, armed with her camera, Anita Conti boarded a trawler and spent six months sharing, in the company of sixty men, the harsh life of cod fishermen in the Atlantic. Thrown around by the incessant swell, the images she returned with are raw and poetic. Her pictures and texts, gathered together under the title Racleurs d’océans, which translates as ‘Ocean scrapers’, mark a turning point in time. An avant-garde militant, she put forward the need for sustainable practices and protection of the oceans. Émilie Rousset and Louise Hémon compare these archives from the past with present-day research via their reflections, often humorous, on the discourse of the images. The staging invented by this directorial duo makes use of images filmed on 16mm, onboard journals and interviews with contemporary oceanographers. The two actresses Saadia Bentaïeb and Antonia Buresi move around the stage to the sound of the Odes Martenot by Julie Normal. In relation to the different eras, and evolution of technology and knowledge, what do scientific images produce in terms of political discourse, and poetic potential?

In the same place

T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National
septembersept 19 - october – oct 19

Kurō Tanino
Maître obscur

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T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National
octoberoct 17 – 21

Katerina Andreou
Bless This Mess

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The choreographer Katerina Andreou draws upon the constant confusion and noise of the world as the driving force in this her first group piece. Playfulness, absurdity, fiction and poetry arise from within this mental and emotional state. 

T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National
novembernov 7 – 11

Satoko Ichihara
Yoroboshi: The Weakling

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Taking his inspiration from traditional Japanese forms, playwright and director Satoko Ichihara brings us a puppet theatre for today's world. It is a troubled one, in which the story revolves around the ambiguous nature of the dolls. In this modern tale, loneliness, suffering and sexuality are the driving forces behind these puppets the various weaknesses of which makes them ever more human.

Centre Pompidou
octoberoct 23 – 26
Points communs – Théâtre 95
novembernov 12 – 13

Ligia Lewis
Still Not Still

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In Still Not Still, choreographer Ligia Lewis pursues her exploration into the silences and shadows of history. In this piece, the performers play out a score over and over again, the burlesque dimension of which makes it all the more tragic.

T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National
novembernov 14 – 25

Marcus Lindeen, Marianne Ségol
Memory of Mankind

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By reconstituting four perfectly extraordinary, but very real, stories Marcus Lindeen and Marianne Ségol raise questions about the notion of memory. Their unique form of theatre, in which spoken words of a personal nature are exchanged and feed off each other, is scrupulously crafted and philosophical in equal measure. 

Théâtre du Rond-Point
novembernov 5 – 17
Points communs – Théâtre 95
novembernov 21 – 22

Mohamed Bourouissa, Zazon Castro
Quartier de femmes

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At the crossroads between theatre and stand-up, the first show by the visual artist Mohamed Bourouissa brings to the stage the different phases in the life of a woman in prison and its transformations. In the absence of pathos, the piece uses humour to circumvent the arduous nature of its subject matter.

Points communs – Théâtre 95
decemberdec 3 – 5

Calixto Neto

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Starting with the initial premise that a black body is by its very nature exposed to the danger of expropriation, or that of being stolen from itself, Calixto Neto tries to resist against exterior control and the risk of annihilation. In this exercise in ventriloquism, the Brazilian choreographer searches for the words with which to write dance. 

T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National
decemberdec 5 – 16

Alice Laloy
Le Ring de Katharsy

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There are no puppets in this large-scale new work by puppeteer Alice Laloy. Instead, we encounter humans which have been transformed into avatars and then thrown into a ring In order to compete in increasingly violent matches. This mise en abyme, at the frontier between wrestling-inspired ritual and video game scenario, invites us to question the limits of a society which simply follows orders.

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septembersept 12 – 26
Espace 1789, scène conventionnée danse – Saint-Ouen
octoberoct 8 – 9
Théâtre Cinéma de Choisy-le-Roi – Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national art et création pour la diversité linguistique
octoberoct 11
Points communs – Théâtre 95
decemberdec 18 – 19

Mohamed El Khatib
La vie secrète des vieux

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Mohamed El Khatib furthers his passion for documentary theatre by tackling a subject that he brings from out of the shadows, namely that of eroticism and the love lives of “oldies”. Put together in a daring yet tender way, his new piece explores this theme from the perspective of desire, thereby going against the usual connotations associated with old age.