Théâtre du Radeau


Archive 2019

Directed and stage design by François Tanguy
With Frode Bjørnstad, Laurence Chable, Erik Gerken, and Vincent Joly (cast to be confirmed)
Sound, Éric Goudard, and François Tanguy
Lighting, François Fauvel, Julienne Havlicek Rochereau, and François Tanguy
Set construction, Pascal Bence, Frode Bjørnstad, François Fauvel, Éric Goudard, Julienne Havlicek Rochereau, Vincent Joly, Jimmy Péchard, and François Tanguy
Coproduced by MC2 : Grenoble ; Théâtre National de Strasbourg ; Centre Dramatique National de Besançon Franche-Comté ; Les Quinconces-L’espal Scène nationale du Mans ; T2G – Théâtre de Gennevilliers ; and Festival d’Automne à Paris
In association with T2G – Théâtre de Gennevilliers ; and Festival d’Automne à Paris
First performed on the 5th November 2019 at Les Quinconces-L’espal Scène nationale du Mans

A companion of the Festival d’Automne à Paris for the last thirty years, François Tanguy promises, in this edition, to be bring us theatre of a unique and poetic nature once again. The ballet of bodies and decors will undoubtedly be organised down to the last millimetre, the space in perpetual movement and the words transformed into sonorities. Literature, poetry, essay and music blend together in order to serve our eyes and ears up with a rare breed of theatre which continually reinvents itself.

“This is theatre that speaks of theatre, using the means of theatre: it is not a theatre of concepts or notions, Tanguy and le Radeau are not philosophers, even if, when all is said and done, there is no doubt that a question is posed and an answer is given regarding the truth of something, a truth of the theatre and not of theatre. In the same way, this is not political theatre, even though there is a commitment of this theatre to the audience facing it, and to what it shares it common with so many others. These philosophical and political factors underlie this theatre by means of structures or layouts which transport its subject matters to unexpected horizons. It is a form of theatre in which the boards themselves play a determining role, the backstage, lighting, sounds decomposed into words, music, recomposed for an instant into something which must connected with sense and sensation. This is a theatre of wood and actors which achieves what Tanguy calls contemporariness: which no doubt signifies speaking up in the debate on the performance, doing it – without being its representative – not distant from it, but at the very heart of the affairs of theatre. It is already full of theatre, with fables that are sometimes painful and melancholic, sometimes funny and grotesque; sometimes the one and the other might be mixed together in a motif – which is not alone and which is not the same.”

Jean-Paul Manganaro in François Tanguy et Le Radeau, P.O.L., 2008
Estimated running time : 1h30

In the same place

T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National
septembersept 19 - october – oct 19

Kurō Tanino
Maître obscur

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In what ways does the unstoppable development of artificial intelligence (AI) permeate our lives and behaviour? Kurō Tanino, playwright of the poetry of our everyday lives and the imperceptible movements of the psyche, brings to the stage a world in which technology reveals the depths of our unconscious.

T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National
octoberoct 17 – 21

Katerina Andreou
Bless This Mess

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The choreographer Katerina Andreou draws upon the constant confusion and noise of the world as the driving force in this her first group piece. Playfulness, absurdity, fiction and poetry arise from within this mental and emotional state. 

T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National
novembernov 7 – 11

Satoko Ichihara
Yoroboshi: The Weakling

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Taking his inspiration from traditional Japanese forms, playwright and director Satoko Ichihara brings us a puppet theatre for today's world. It is a troubled one, in which the story revolves around the ambiguous nature of the dolls. In this modern tale, loneliness, suffering and sexuality are the driving forces behind these puppets the various weaknesses of which makes them ever more human.

T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National
novembernov 14 – 25

Marcus Lindeen, Marianne Ségol
Memory of Mankind

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By reconstituting four perfectly extraordinary, but very real, stories Marcus Lindeen and Marianne Ségol raise questions about the notion of memory. Their unique form of theatre, in which spoken words of a personal nature are exchanged and feed off each other, is scrupulously crafted and philosophical in equal measure. 

T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National
decemberdec 5 – 16

Alice Laloy
Le Ring de Katharsy

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There are no puppets in this large-scale new work by puppeteer Alice Laloy. Instead, we encounter humans which have been transformed into avatars and then thrown into a ring In order to compete in increasingly violent matches. This mise en abyme, at the frontier between wrestling-inspired ritual and video game scenario, invites us to question the limits of a society which simply follows orders.