Sur les bords #1

Archive 2019

from 4 to 6 October, T2G – Théâtre de Gennevilliers invites Mette Edvardsen, Latifa Laâbissi / Antonia Baehr, Marcus Lindeen, Ariane Loze, Mathilde Maillard, Dominique Petitgand, Julien Prévieux, Vincent Thomasset and *DUUU – radio for a week-end of performance.

What happens when works are centred upon a horizontality of exchanges?
Whether it is the work by Wild Minds (2018) by Marcus Lindeen, a piece which invites us to listen to the life stories of people suffering from a compulsive dreaming disorder or Mette Edvardsen’s dreamlike universe to be listened to in the piece Penelope Sleeps (2019), audience members are invited to follow the thread of a sensation, that of being on the inside. Experience of this nature can also be felt via the body, such as in another work by Mette Edvardsen, Time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine (2013), in which it embodies books. Or it might be via voices and sounds appearing, seemingly, from the seats and hangers in the ambulatory sound installation Les heures creuses (2018) by Dominique Petitgand. Away from it all, Antonia Baehr and Latifa Laâbissi perform Consul et Meshie (2018), a performance lasting several hours, as if time was suspended, with audience members wandering in and out at will.
What happens when we have access to the fabrication of a work?
In the company of the artist Julien Prévieux, we are given access to research spread out across the various spaces of the theatre, enabling us to approach Of Balls, Books and Hats (2018) from different points of view. Another extension of his work, conceived as an oblique reference, is present in the quadri-frontal staging (2016) of Vincent Thomasset’s Lettres de non-motivation, written by Julien Prévieux from 2000 to 2007. Ariane Loze plays at being several people in her short films and presents her work, at the crossroads between film and performance, in situ, thereby enabling us to see for ourselves the unfurling of a creative work. In order to continue to explore the fabrication of works, two workshops led by artists participating in the weekend event, are open to all. Mathilde Maillard’s project De près on ne voit que la peinture invites us to look into the intimate, everyday relationship between the artist and his or her work, done with the complicity of *DUUU radio, in association with TG2.

Co-Curator, T2G with Charlotte Imbault
Friday 4 October
19h :

- What you see de Charlotte Imbault au salon d’écoute - bar (Entrée libre - en continu)
- Where is my (deep) mind ? film de Julien Prévieux - salon (Entrée libre - en continu)
- Ariane Loze, film - plateau 3 (Entrée libre - en continu)
- Wild Minds de Marcus Lindeen - plateau 2 (45 minutes)
20h : Penelope sleeps de Mette Edvardsen - plateau 1 (1h30)
22h : Wild Minds de Marcus Lindeen - plateau 2 (45 minutes)
Saturday 5 October :
14h :
- Atelier Libre sur présentation d’un billet du weekend - plateau 3 (Entrée libre sur inscription – 2h)
16h :
- What you see de Charlotte Imbault au salon d’écoute - bar (Entrée libre - en continu)
- De près tu ne vois que la peinture, discussion Mathilde Maillard et *DUUU avec les artistes au bar (Entrée libre - durée : 2 h)
- Where is my (deep) mind ? film de Julien Prévieux - salon (Entrée libre - en continu)
- Les heures creuses de Dominique Petitgand – Installation sonore - plateau 1 (Entrée libre - en continu)
- Ariane Loze, film - plateau 3 (Entrée libre - en continu, jusqu’à 23h)
16h30 : Wild Minds de Marcus Lindeen - plateau 2 (45 minutes)
18h00 : Wild Minds de Marcus Lindeen - plateau 2 (45 minutes)
18h à 22h : Time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine de Mette Edvarsen (Entrée libre – sur rendez-vous sur place)
19h30 : Wild Minds de Marcus Lindeen - plateau 2 (45 minutes)
0h à 02h : DJ set (EL)
Sunday 6 October :
13h :
- De près tu ne vois que la peinture, discussion Mathilde Maillard et *DUUU avec les artistes (Entrée libre - durée : 2 h)
- What you see de Charlotte Imbault au salon d’écoute - bar (Entrée libre - en continu jusqu’à 20h)
14h :
-  Atelier Libre sur présentation d’un billet du week-end - plateau 3 (Entrée libre sur inscription – 2h)
- Where is my (deep) mind ? » film de Julien Prévieux - salon (Entrée libre - en continu jusqu’à 20h)
14h à 17h : Time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine de Mette Edvarsen (Entrée libre – sur rendez-vous sur place)
15h : Lettres de non Motivation, Prévieux/Thomasset - plateau 1 (55 minutes)
15h30, 19h00 : Consul et Meshie, Latifa Laâbissi et Antonia Baehr - plateau 2 (durée : 3h30 entrées et sorties possibles au cours de la performance)
19h : Of Balls, books and hats de Julien Prévieux - plateau 1 (durée 50 minutes)

In the same place

T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National
septembersept 19 - october – oct 19

Kurō Tanino
Maître obscur

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In what ways does the unstoppable development of artificial intelligence (AI) permeate our lives and behaviour? Kurō Tanino, playwright of the poetry of our everyday lives and the imperceptible movements of the psyche, brings to the stage a world in which technology reveals the depths of our unconscious.

T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National
octoberoct 17 – 21

Katerina Andreou
Bless This Mess

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The choreographer Katerina Andreou draws upon the constant confusion and noise of the world as the driving force in this her first group piece. Playfulness, absurdity, fiction and poetry arise from within this mental and emotional state. 

T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National
novembernov 7 – 11

Satoko Ichihara
Yoroboshi: The Weakling

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Taking his inspiration from traditional Japanese forms, playwright and director Satoko Ichihara brings us a puppet theatre for today's world. It is a troubled one, in which the story revolves around the ambiguous nature of the dolls. In this modern tale, loneliness, suffering and sexuality are the driving forces behind these puppets the various weaknesses of which makes them ever more human.

T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National
novembernov 14 – 25

Marcus Lindeen, Marianne Ségol
Memory of Mankind

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By reconstituting four perfectly extraordinary, but very real, stories Marcus Lindeen and Marianne Ségol raise questions about the notion of memory. Their unique form of theatre, in which spoken words of a personal nature are exchanged and feed off each other, is scrupulously crafted and philosophical in equal measure. 

T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre Dramatique National
decemberdec 5 – 16

Alice Laloy
Le Ring de Katharsy

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There are no puppets in this large-scale new work by puppeteer Alice Laloy. Instead, we encounter humans which have been transformed into avatars and then thrown into a ring In order to compete in increasingly violent matches. This mise en abyme, at the frontier between wrestling-inspired ritual and video game scenario, invites us to question the limits of a society which simply follows orders.