Merce Cunningham

La Fabrique John Cage & Merce Cunningham

Archive 2019

Produced by CND Centre national de la danse (Pantin)
Coproduced by John Cage Trust ; and Festival d’Automne à Paris
In partnership with France Inter and ARTE

Through its decision to organise Musicircus, the Centre national de la danse celebrates, as part of the Merce Cunningham portrait, its prolific association with the composer John Cage. In this edition of La Fabrique, dedicated to the art of intermixing and the random, the CND will be turned into a giant carrousel given over to music, voice, discourse and movement of all kinds.

Alongside that of the American choreographer, this new edition of La Fabrique sees the CND paying tribute to the pivotal role of the composer John Cage. The latter was the musical director of the choreographer’s company until his death in 1992, but the relationship between these two major figures in XXth century art goes far beyond the realms of mere artistic collaboration. Their relationship was more like a creative synergy which saw them both redefining the contours of their respective mediums. Cunningham’s guiding principles, ranging from the use of chance occurrences, to the refusal to separate art and life, and the widening of the definition of what constitutes music to take in all sounds, had a profound influence on Cunningham and his way of apprehending the interaction between the body, space and time. In order to restore Cage’s reflections to their rightful place, the CND and the Festival d’Automne à Paris have chosen to reactivate Musicircus. Based on the merry-go-round model, audience members find themselves in the middle with the participants all around. This event is an open invitation to invade the CND and fill it with sounds, discourse and dance. Taking on the form of an "organised chaos", the performances, concerts, conferences and workshops take place simultaneously across the whole space – from the hall to the studios, all the way to the banks of the Ourcq canal.
Detailed programme available Here

In the same place

CND Centre national de la danse
novembernov 14 - 16

Radouan Mriziga
Atlas/The Mountain

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In Atlas/The Mountain, the Moroccan choreographer Radouan Mriziga transforms his body into a catalyst for energies and traditions from the Atlas Mountains. This solo in the form of a ritual is transcended by polymorphic figures and captivating rhythms.

CND Centre national de la danse
novembernov 14 - 16

Latifa Laâbissi, Antonia Baehr
Cavaliers impurs In a visual installation by Nadia Lauro

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Following on from Consul and Meshie, Latifa Laâbissi and Antonia Baehr bring us a duo in the form of a series of heterogeneous sequences, interlinked by a common thread of the impure, hybridization and collage. They combine their respective vocabularies, such as the relationship with the expressiveness of the face, and the crossing of genres, registers. Over the course of different numbers or acts, Laâbissi and Baehr interweave their respective universes, thereby overturning the various choreographic codes and blurring the frontiers.

CND Centre national de la danse
novembernov 29 - 30

Elsa Dorlin
Travailler la violence #4


How can we work on violence? How can we put into perspective, stage and retell it? How can we tear it to pieces? The purpose of this two day-long series of encounters, put together by the philosopher Elsa Dorlin, will be to update what critiques of violence teach us and to make an inventory of the various weapons of violence collected.