Aurélie Charon Amélie Bonnin Caroline Gillet


Archive 2019

Concept, Amélie Bonnin, Aurélie Charon, Caroline Gillet
With alternatively Amir Hassan (Gaza), Ines Tanovic-Sijercic (Sarajevo), Sumeet Samos (New Delhi), Heddy Salem (Marseille), Martin France (Verton), Yannick Kamanzi (Kigali), Gal Hurvitz (Tel Aviv), Karam Al Kafri (Damas/Marseille), Anzio C. Jacobs (Johannesburg), Amra Plasto (Sarajevo), Selma Kasmi (Alger), Oxana Leuta (Kiev), Sicka Star-ban (Johannesburg), Sibil Cekmen (Istanbul/Lyon), Diane Dusabe (Kigali)
Image creation, Amélie Bonnin
Onstage writing, Aurélie Charon, and Amélie Bonnin
Stage installation, Pia de Compiègne
Produced by Mathilde Gamon – Radio live production
The Paris region tour is produced by Festival d’Automne à Paris
In association with MC93 – Maison de la Culture de Seine-Saint-Denis
In association with Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord (Paris) ; and Festival d’Automne à Paris for performances at Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord
In association with Théâtre des Quartiers d’Ivry ; and Festival d’Automne à Paris for the performance at Théâtre des Quartiers d’Ivry
With support from Institut français and Fondation d’entreprise Hermès
First performed on the 21st September 2013 at Villa Méditerranée (Marseilles)
This show is presented in 2019 at Princeton University (USA), in conjunction with the partnership between Seuls en Scène – Princeton French Theater Festival and Festival d’Automne à Paris.

Drawing upon the documentary series they have undertaken for Radio France, Aurélie Charon and Caroline Gillet’s project, in association with Amélie Bonnin’s visual work, gives the opportunity for young people from all over the world to meet and dialogue with each other live onstage. Each performance is different from the last, a variant on the previous evening. The show articulates accounts of people’s lives centred on themes from their daily existence.

How can the links that have been built up over the course of dozens of journalistic reports be extended and be used to bring about an encounter between young people with a shared interest in issues relating to the era in which they live and their environments? These are the wishes and questions that have steered Aurélie Charon, Caroline Gillet and Amélie Bonnin in the direction of the onstage dialogue format, in which the notions of commitment, freedom and identity occupy an important place. Both actor and witness at the same time, youngsters from Sarajevo, Gaza, Marseilles, New Delhi, Givors and Dakar have, over the course of the last six years, taken to the stage. RADIO LIVE is built up with their complicity, together with any sound and video-based elements they might share in order to shed light on the discussion. The staging of the show combines the simplicity and power of words spoken directly to the audience with images of different kinds, ranging from Amélie Bonnin’s drawings and other video material projected upstage, to live music. Since 2017, RADIO LIVE has travelled to Casablanca, Tunisia, Dakar, Kigali, Mauritius, Johannesburg, Bombay and New Delhi, giving rise to a host of encounters. Indeed, it is these encounters and all that they bring to this network of friendship that constitute the project’s life blood.
Estimated running time : 2h
On a closing note, Amélie Bonnin and Aurélie Charon present – in the presence of the young people they have met – the film La Bande des Français on Saturday the 21st December at 18h at MC93 – Maison de la Culture de Seine-Saint-Denis. Admission to the screening is free upon reservation.
Further information is available at

In the same place

Théâtre de la Ville – Les Abbesses
septembersept 12 - 26
Espace 1789, scène conventionnée danse – Saint-Ouen
octoberoct 8 - 9
Théâtre Cinéma de Choisy-le-Roi – Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national art et création pour la diversité linguistique
octoberoct 11
Points communs – Théâtre 95
decemberdec 18 - 19

Mohamed El Khatib
La vie secrète des vieux

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Mohamed El Khatib furthers his passion for documentary theatre by tackling a subject that he brings from out of the shadows, namely that of eroticism and the love lives of “oldies”. Put together in a daring yet tender way, his new piece explores this theme from the perspective of desire, thereby going against the usual connotations associated with old age. 

Le Théâtre de Rungis
novembernov 5
Le POC Scène artistique d’Alfortville
novembernov 7
Théâtre de Saint-Maur
novembernov 12

Fabien Gorgeart, Delphine de Vigan
Les Gratitudes

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Fabien Gorgeart adapts the narrative might of Les Gratitudes, the novel by Delphine de Vigan. It recounts the final moments in the life of Michka and her words which little by little fail her. Despite the fear of the forthcoming silence, the protagonist builds up a relation with Jérôme, her speech-therapist, enabling her to delve deep into the intricacies of her past. 

novembernov 5 - 8
Maison de la musique de Nanterre – Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national
novembernov 9
Théâtre Louis Aragon, Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national Art et création – danse – Tremblay-en-France
novembernov 30

Alessandro Sciarroni
U. (un canto)

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A year after the premier of IRIS at the Butte-aux-Cailles swimming pool, commissioned by the Festival d'Automne, in which he explored the Italian polyphonic repertoire, Alessandro Sciarroni brings us U. (un canto). This music-based performance piece evokes the profoundly mysterious relationship between human beings and nature.

Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord
novembernov 20 - december - dec 20

Dorothée Munyaneza, Kae Tempest

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For this new performance, titled Inconditionnelles singer, author, and choreographer Dorothée Munyaneza stages her French translation of Kae Tempest’s fervent play, Hopelessly Devoted (2015). Inconditionnelles explores the interstices where love and connection abound. 

Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord
decemberdec 3 - 4

Pascal Rambert
Je te réponds

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Six voices ring out, bringing with them the captivating stories of six men and women, aged between 30 and 60 years old, and who are currently serving prison sentences. Usually confined to within prison walls, their words find a stage on which to be heard at the Bouffes du Nord theatre.

Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord
decemberdec 10 - 11

Dorcy Rugamba
Hewa Rwanda – Lettre aux absents

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Thirty years after the genocide in Rwanda, Dorcy Rugamba, actor, author and director, brings to life an extract from this work Hewa Rwanda – Lettre aux absents, published by JC Lattès.

Centre Pompidou
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Théâtre des Quartiers d'Ivry
januaryjan 22 - 26

Sébastien Kheroufi
Par les villages

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Sébastien Kheroufi discovered Peter Handke's Par les villages at the onset of his artistic career. It evokes a writer's return to his native village. Amidst the twilight setting in which one universe declines in favour of another, the voices of the “offended and humiliated” break their silence.