Sylvain Creuzevault


Based on the work by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Archive 2018
Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe – Ateliers Berthier
septembersept 21 - october – oct 21
Points communs – Théâtre des Louvrais
februaryfeb 12 – 13

Adapted and directed by Sylvain Creuzevault
With Nicolas Bouchaud, Valérie Dréville, Vladislav Galard, Michèle Goddet, Arthur Igual, Sava Lolov, Léo-Antonin Lutinier, Frédéric Noaille, Amandine Pudlo, Blanche Ripoche, Anne-Laure Tondu
Translated in French by André Markowicz
Set design, Jean-Baptiste Bellon
Sound, Michaël Schaller
Lighting, Nathalie Perrier
Lighting designer, Jacques Grislin
Masks, Loïc Nébréda
Costumes, Gwendoline Bouget
Musical creation, Nicolas Jacquot
Costume assistant, Suzanne Devaux
Set construction, Atelier de construction de l’Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe and team of Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe
A Le Singe production
A coproduction with Scène nationale Brive Tulle ; TAP Théâtre Auditorium de Poitiers ; TnBA Théâtre national de Bordeaux en Aquitaine ; Théâtre de Lorient centre dramatique national ; Le Parvis Scène nationale Tarbes Pyrénées ; Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe (Paris) ; and Festival d’Automne à Paris
In association with Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe (Paris) ; Festival d’Automne à Paris for performances at the Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe / and Ateliers Berthier (Paris)
With the artistic participation of the Jeune Théâtre National (Paris)
With support from Adami
The company  is supported by DGCA Direction générale de la création artistique du Ministère de la culture
First performed on 21 September 2018 à l’Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe
Ateliers Berthier (Paris) in conjunction with Festival d’Automne à Paris
In partnership with France Inter

After his exploration of Faust’s myth, Sylvain Creuzevault continues his partnership with the Festival d’Automne by tackling Demons, Dostoevsky’s dizzying political and philosophical fresco. The aim of this new production is once again to put up a dialectic of laughter and dread on the frontier between revolution and spirituality.

Since 2009 and Notre terreur, which plunged us deep into the depths of the French Revolution, Sylvain Creuzevault has been unceasing in his efforts to sound out the “hidden chambers of our modes of social organization”. In his 2014 production, Le Capital et son singe, based on the writings of Karl Marx, he looked at this theme from a political and economic standpoint. In his 2016 production, - ANGELUS NOVUS AntiFaust, 2016 -, based on the myth of Faust, he furthered this research from the point of view of how we construct representations. In his latest production, he uses the dialogue between atheism and faith, God and Demon, as the starting point for exploring Dostoevsky’s monstrous, climatic work, Demons. Written between 1869 and 1872, the novel was driven by the artist’s rage at what he saw as the threat posed to Russia by the socialists and nihilists, and his desire to “give them what they deserved”. Dostoevsky’s work is an extremely lucid, even premonitory one. From its giddy heights, we discover the aporia of a world in which rationalism has evacuated all forms of spirituality, and in which atheist France has become the gravedigger for Russian fervor. Here, the director uses dialogues taken from the novel, translated by André Markowicz, as the basis for his production. Alongside his habitual constellation of actors, we find two stalwarts of French theatre, Valérie Dréville and Nicolas Bouchaud.
Estimated running time : 4h (with intermission)

In the same place