Mohamed El Khatib Alain Cavalier

Conversation entre Mohamed El Khatib et Alain Cavalier

Archive 2017

An original idea by Mohamed El Khatib and Alain Cavalier
Technical Managment, Arnaud Léger

Coproduction La Bâtie – Festival de Genève // In association with Théâtre de la Ville-Paris ; and Festival d’Automne à Paris // First performed on 11th November 2017 at Théâtre National de Bretagne – Centre Européen Théâtral et Chorégraphique (Rennes)
Partnership with France Inter

Mohamed El Khatib and Alain Cavalier : incongruous dialogue between two « documentarisators » of their art.
Film-maker Alain Cavalier and director Mohamed El Khatib, whose fortuitous encounter stems from the erroneous purchase of a camera, will be bearing their all - via the methodological dissection of the dreams that affect and afflict them. This double portrait, from both sides of the Mediterranean, will not end up as a film nor a piece of theatre, but rather the drafting in public of a micro-history of two very different lives which cross each other in strange ways.