Vincent Thomasset

La Suite

(Sus à la Bibliothèque ! / Les Protragronistes / Médail Décor)

Archive 2015

La Suite
Written, directed, and choreographed by Vincent Thomasset
Sus à la Bibliothèque !
With David Arribe, Lorenzo De Angelis, Grégory Guilbert, Vincent Thomasset, Marc-Antoine Vaugeois
Lighting design, Annie Leuridan (based on Abigaïl Fowler's design)
Stage design, in collaboration, Camille Muret
With the support of Théâtre de Vanves − scène conventionnée pour la danse, de la Ménagerie de Verre dans le cadre des Studiolabs, du T2G − Théâtre de Gennevilliers //First performed on 24 of March 2011 at  Festival Artdanthé, Théâtre de Vanves − scène conventionnée pour la danse

Les Protragronistes
Avec Lorenzo De Angelis, Vincent Thomasset
Lighting design, Annie Leuridan (based on Abigaïl Fowler's design)
Stage designe in collaboration with Camille Muret
In coproduction with Théâtre de Vanves − scène conventionnée pour la danse // With support from Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, du Centre Culturel Suisse (Paris), du Théâtre de Vanves − scène conventionnée pour la danse, du T2G − Théâtre de Gennevilliers // First performed on 6 mars 2012 at Festival Artdanthé, Théâtre de Vanves − scène conventionnée pour la danse

Médail Décor
With Lorenzo De Angelis, Vincent Thomasset
Choreography, Vincent Thomasset, in collaboration with Lorenzo De Angelis
Sound design, Pierre Boscheron
Lighting design, Annie Leuridan
Stage design, based on an original idea by Ilanit Illouz
A Laars & Co production
Associate producer Latitudes Prod. 
In coproduction with Théâtre de Vanves − scène conventionnée pour la danse, Ateliers de Paris-Carolyn Carlson
With support from CENTQUATRE-PARIS, du Centre Chorégraphique National Roubaix Nord-Pas-de-Calais, du far° festival des arts vivants Nyon, du CND, un centre d’art pour la danse, du Grand Studio, du théâtre Garonne − Scène européenne (Toulouse), du Festival Actoral
With support from Arcadi, DRAC Île-de-France, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication
With support from the Onda Chartre de diffusion distribution charter, Arcadi Île-de-France, Oara Aquitaine, Odia Normandie, Réseau en scène – Languedoc-Roussillon et Spectacle Vivant en Bretagne // First performed on 13 August 2014 au far° festival des arts vivants − Nyon (Switzerland)

In partnership with Les Spectacles vivants − Centre Pompidou ; Festival d’Automne à Paris
These shows are part of the Parcours d’auteurs cultural and artistic education programme, a joint initiative between the Festival d’Automne and the SACD
With the support from Arcadi Île-de-France
With support from agnès b.


La Suite, a three-part show (Sus à la bibliothèque!, Les Protragonistes and Médail Décor), marks Vincent Thomasset’s arrival in theatre. Designed as autonomous objects, these pieces are nonetheless linked by a deep undercurrent, consisting of a unique, elusive creative process, to the extent that each new episode seems to be sole survivor of the preceding one. With this opus, Vincent Thomasset lays down the foundations of his theatrical language, in which text, lighting, sound and movement are independent forces that take immense pleasure in contradicting and surprising each other.
Each of the three pieces is performed by a chorus of three performers and a tyrannical leader, the director himself, and a dancer, subjected to invisible forces of attraction. The text of La Suite only finds its full expression when put to the test on a theatre stage. Vincent Thomasset’s writing, a lavish, bountiful language which wrings out every possible meaning from words, restores a sense of literality to language and finds its ideal alter-ego in the body of the performer. From this emerges an individuality of a troubled, multiple nature, haunted by the figure of the self-double, and in which all subjectivity is heightened to the point of becoming blurred. Using horse riding as the central metaphor running through the show, La Suite takes us on a journey through our learning process, summoning up old memories and awakening feelings buried in our collective and individual memory. The show deals with the onset of adolescence, that moment in time when words begin to give shape to the moving images of our childhood.

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