Steven Cohen

Sphincterography : The Tour – Johannesburg

Archive 2013

Sphincterography : The Tour – Johannesburg
(The Politics of an Arsehole)
Artistic Proposition, Steven Cohen
Interpretation, Steven Cohen
Light Installation and technical Direction, Erik Houllier
Text, Steven Cohen
Texts Translation, Agathe Berman

Production Latitudes Contemporaines (Lille) // Coproduction La maison rouge (Paris) ; Festival d’Automne à Paris // Special Thanks to the Stevenson Gallery (Johannesbourg, Cape Town) // Manifestation organisée dans le cadre des Saisons Afrique du Sud-France 2012 & 2013 // Sphincterography – The Tour is a part of the exhibition My Joburg, presented at  la maison rouge from the 20 of June to the 22 of Septembre 2013.

A South African artist of Lithuanian origin now living in France, Steven Cohen questions displacement in a piece which revisits his past Johannesburg performances. Two artists in residence at MAC/VAL, Mary Sibande stages her “clone” dressed as a housemaid and dreaming of another life in photographs and performances, while Mikhael Subotzky’s art renews the codes of humanist photography.