Marcelo Evelin
octoberoct 14 – 19
Conception, Marcelo Evelin
Demolition Inc. + Núcleo do Dirceu
With Alexandre Santos, Andrez Lean Ghizze, Cipó Alvarenga, Cleyde Silva, Datan Izaká, Fagão, Fábio Crazy da Silva, Izabelle Frota, Jaap Lindijer, Jacob Alves, Josh S., Kayo Arruda, Layane Holanda, Marcelo Evelin, Regina Veloso, Sérgio Caddah, Silvia Soter
Corealisation Théâtre de la Cité internationale (Paris) ; Festival d’Automne à Paris
With the support of Funarte (2008) et de la Lei de Incentivo Estadual do Governo do Piauí/SIEC/FUNDAC
Performance was in artistic residence in the Hetveem Theater (Amsterdam) and at Centre Chorégraphique de Rio de Janeiro
Special thanks to Christine Greiner, João Pimenta, Judith Schonenveld, Loes van der Pligt, Marcel Bogers, Renate Zentschnig, Reginaldo Carvalho, Rogério Ortiz, Sérgio Matos, Wilena Weronez, Yang Dallas
Premiered Novembre 2010 at Panorama Festival de Dança (Rio de Janeiro)
The third opus of a trilogy which began with Sertao (2003) and Bull Dancing (2006), Matadouro is based on the story of a community’s fight for social justice in the XIXth century.
Eight dancers, naked and their face masked, perform an enigmatic ritual aimed at an evasive enemy. After residing several years in Europe, Marcelo Evelin questions his home
country’s history and identity.
See also
In the same place