Krystian Lupa
Adapted from the novel of Thomas Bernhard
septembersept 27 - october – oct 27
novembernov 22
Perturbation Adapted from Thomas Bernhard
Direction, scenography, light, Krystian Lupa
Original Text, Thomas Bernhard
Original Text Translation, Bernard Kreiss © Editions Gallimard
Adaptation, Krystian Lupa et les acteurs
Translation's Collaborators, Grazyna Maszkowska, Mariola Odzimkowska, René Zahnd
Artistic Collaborators, Lukasz Twarkowski
Costumes, Piotr Skiba
Interpreter, Mariola Odzimkowska
Sound, Frédéric Morier
Video, Karol Rakowski
Set Construction, Ateliers du Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne
With John Arnold, Thierry Bosc, Valérie Dréville, Jean-Charles Dumay, Pierre-François Garel, Lola Riccaboni, Mélodie Richard, Matthieu Sampeur, Anne Sée, Grégoire Tachnakian
Production Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne // Coproduction and corealisation La Colline – théâtre national ; Festival d’Automne à Paris //
With the support of Adami // L’Arche Éditeur is the theatral agent for the original text. //Premiered the 10 of Septembre 2013
at Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne
Partnership with France Inter
Published in 1967, Perturbation is Thomas Bernhard’s second novel. Following a doctor’s consultations in rural Austria, it draws implacable portraits of characters trapped in a
hostile environment. The virulent melancholy of Bernhard’s play is well matched by Lupa’s interest for the perturbations of the human body and soul, sounding the gap between
reality and fantasy, revolt and surrender.
In the same place