Encyclopédie de la parole
Suite n°1 «ABC»
octoberoct 16 – 20
novembernov 19 – 23
Suite n°1 « ABC »
A play from l’Encyclopédie de la parole for 11 performers and 11 invited
Composition and Direction, Joris Lacoste
Musical Direction, Nicolas Rollet
General concept and documents collection, Frédéric Danos, Joris Lacoste, Emmanuelle Lafon, Nicolas Rollet
With Ese Brume, Hans Bryssinck, Geoffrey Carey, Frédéric Danos, Delphine Hecquet, Vladimir Kudryavtsev,
Emmanuelle Lafon, Marine Sylf, Nuno Lucas, Barbara Matijevic, Olivier Normand and 11 invited
Direction Assistant, Elise Simonet
Consultants, Grégory Castéra et David Christoffel
Light, Koen De Saeger et Florian Leduc
Stage Manager, Florian Leduc
Production, diffusion, administration, Frédérique Payn, Marc Pérennès
Production Échelle 1:1
Coproduction Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Bruxelles) ; Parc de la Villette-résidences d’artistes (Paris) ; Théâtre Universitaire (Nantes) ; TNBA (Bordeaux) ; Studio-Théâtre de Vitry (Vitry-sur-Seine) ; MAC/VAL (Vitry-sur-Seine) ; Nouveau théâtre de Montreuil-centre dramatique national ; Les Spectacles vivants – Centre Pompidou (Paris) ; Festival d’Automne à Paris
Corealisation Les Spectacles vivants – Centre Pompidou (Paris) ; Festival d’Automne à Paris //With the support of ’Institut français and the artistic participation of Jeune Théâtre National
Suite n°1 is co-producted by NXTSTP with the support of Programme Culture de l’Union Européenne.
With the support of Adami
This text received the help for creation of Centre national du Théâtre
Premiered the18 of May 2013 at Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Bruxelles)
L’Encyclopédie de la parole is an artistic project that aims at exploring every possible form of orality. Since 2007, this collective has been gathering all kinds of recorded speech
acts. First produced in 2009, Parlement is a solo performance for a single actress which aims to reproduce some of these recordings vocally. Pursuing this approach, Suite n°1
« ABC » is a recital for eleven performers and eleven guests where the rich, strange dimension of the most common spoken words can be heard.
In the same place