Angélica Liddell
Todo el cielo sobre la tierra. (El síndrome de Wendy)
novembernov 20 - december – dec 20
Todo el cielo sobre la tierra. (El síndrome de Wendy)
Text and Direction, Angélica Liddell
With Wenjun Gao, Fabián Augusto Gómez Bohórquez, Xie Guinü, Lola Jiménez, Angélica Liddell, Sindo Puche, Zhang Qiwen, Lennart Boyd Schürmann
Ensemble musical Phace
Set and Costumes, Angélica Liddell
Music, Cho Young Wuk
Assistants, orchestration and arrangements, Hong Dae Sung, Jung Hyung Soo, Sok Seung Hui
Musical Preparation, Lee Ji Yoen
Guitar Songs, Lennart Boyd Schürmann
Lightning Design, Carlos Marquerie
Sound, Antonio Navarro
Lightning Technician, Octavio Gómez
Ballroom Dance Teacher, Sergio Cardozo
Actors Tailored Suits, González
Chinese Lion Mask, Lidia G le petit paquebot
Chinese/Spanish Interpreter, Wenjun Gao, Saite Ye
Translation, Christilla Vasserot
Technical Director, Marc Bartoló
Stage Manager, África Rodríguez
Production and logistics, Mamen Adeva
Director Assistant, María José F. Aliste
Executive Production, Gumersindo Puche
Production Iaquinandi, S.L. // Coproduction Wiener Festwochen ; Festival d’Avignon ; deSingel Internationale Kunstcampus ; Le Parvis Scène Nationale Tarbes Pyrénées ; Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe (Paris) ; Festival d’Automne à Paris // Corealisation Odéon- Théâtre de l’Europe (Paris) ; Festival d’Automne à Paris //Collaboration with Teatros del Canal (Madrid) et Tanzquartier (Vienna) // Avec le soutien de la Comunidad de Madrid y Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte – INAEM // Remerciements au Centro Cultural Coreano en España, Biblioteca Miguel de Cervantes – Consulado de España en Shanghai, and Mariano Arias //
Premiered the 9 of May 2013 at Wiener Festwochen
Partnership with France Culture
In Peter Pan, Wendy was the mother that the “lost children” wished for. In Wendy’s Syndrome, on the contrary, she expresses a hate of all mothers. Liddell sets her play on the
Norwegian island of Utoya, the site of the July 2011 killing of 69 youths by Anders Breivik. Viewing the island as Peter Pan’s utopia, Wendy expresses her fear of being abandoned,
to a waltz music composed by Cho Young-Wuk.