André Wilms

Paroles d’acteurs / Casimir et Caroline

Archive 2013
Atelier de Paris – Centre de développement chorégraphique national
novembernov 4 – 8

Paroles d’acteurs / Casimir et Caroline by Ödön von Horváth
Direction, André Wilms
With Margot Bancilhon, Natalie Beder, Sigrid Bouaziz, Pierre Cachia, Esteban Carvajal Alegria, Vincent Heneine, David Houri, Julia Piaton, Yann Sorton et Sarah Stern


Coproduction Association artistique de l’Adami ; Festival d’Automne à Paris // In collaboration with Atelier de Paris-Carolyn Carlson

Ödön von Horváth’s 1931 play Casimir and Caroline is a disenchanted serenade, which reflects the country’s economical and moral collapse. At a beer festival, Casimir, who has just lost his job, fears his fiancé might leave him for a wealthier man. Actor André Wilms adapts this chronicle of the 1930s with young actors, as part of « Paroles d’acteurs », the ADAMI’s yearly program of collaboration and learning.