Ryoji Ikeda


Archive 2012
Centre Pompidou
novembernov 14 - may – may 14


Ryoji Ikeda
Commisioned by Festival d’Automne à Paris for the musical part
Ryoji Ikeda, concept, music and Artistic Direction
Stéphane Garin, Amélie Grould, performers
Tomonaga Tokuyama, Norimichi Hirakawa, Yoshito Onishi, Graphic realisation, Programmation 
Daisuke Sekine, Architectural conception 
Simon MacColl, Technical Direction
Tomonaga Tokuyama, Technical Coordination

Production Ryoji Ikeda Studio ; Quaternaire ; FormaCoproduction Concertgebouw (Bruges) ; Festival de Marseille ; EPPGH La Villette (Paris) ; Kyoto Experiment ; ZKM-Centre d’art et de technologie des médias (Karlsruhe) ; Les Spectacles vivants – Centre Pompidou (Paris) ; Festival d’Automne à Paris
Corealisation Les Spectacles vivants – Centre Pompidou (Paris) ; Festival d’Automne à Paris
With the support of Mécénat Musical Société Générale and Fondation Franco-Japonaise Sasakawa


Ryoji Ikeda first emerged on the music scene in the mid 1990s with an eclectic approach featuring the art of the DJ and producing complex montages of surgical accuracy gradually stripped of all outside references. More recent works have moved towards abstract formalism, challenging perception, seeking extremes – infra-sound and ultra-sound. superposition, referring to quantum physics, is performance in diverse forms with a score/matrix for an original ritual.

In the same place