Mette Ingvartsen

The Artificial Nature Project

Archive 2012

The Artificial Nature Project
Concept and choreography, Mette Ingvartsen
Lighting Design, Minna Tiikkainen
Light Manager, Susana Alsonso
Sound Design, Peter Lenaerts
Technical Director, Philippe Baste
Assistant Choreography/production, Élise Simonet
With Franziska Aigner, Sidney Leoni, Martin Lervik, Maud Le Pladec, Guillem Mont De Palol, Manon Santkin, Christine De Smedt
Production Management, Kerstin Schroth
Production Mette Ingvartsen / Great Investment 
Coproduction PACT Zollverein (Essen) ;Théâtre National de Bretagne (Rennes) ; Kaaitheater (Bruxelles) ; BUDA (Kortrijk) ; apap / szene (Salzbourg) ; Musé́e de la Danse/Centre Choré́graphique National de Rennes et de Bretagne ; Les Spectacles vivants – Centre Pompidou (Paris) ; Festival d’Automne à̀ Paris 
Coréalisation Les Spectacles vivants – Centre Pompidou (Paris) ; Festival d’Automne à̀ Paris 
Funded by Kunstrådet (Denmark), Hauptstadtkulturfonds (Berlin) and the Flemish Autorities
this project was funded by the support of the European Commission.
With the help of Mokum
Premiered Novembre 2, 2012 at PACT Zollverein (Essen)

In Mette Ingvartsen’s work, the animate and the inanimate, the organic and the mechanical often come to merge. In this new piece, spectators observe processes of transformation and circulation, as if looking through a giant microscope. The result is an allegory of man’s place in its environment, the illusion of control and the entropy of the living.

In the same place

Centre Pompidou
septembersept 27 – 29

Mathilde Monnier

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In Territoires, Mathilde Monnier will be taking over the galleries of the Centre Pompidou during the course of a weekend in order to bring us a piece that deals with memory and circulation, "a collection of gestures from her work over the past thirty years". In doing so, the choreographer sets up the possibility of playing out memory in the present, from now onwards, or by means of anticipation.

Centre Pompidou
octoberoct 2 - november – nov 2

Apichatpong Weerasethakul

Visual arts Focus
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Apichatpong Weerasethakul presents the complete retrospective of his films at the Centre Pompidou. It consists of his eight feature films, thirty or so short (and rare) films, various collective works, and two feature films produced by him.

Centre Pompidou
octoberoct 2 - january – jan 2

Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Night Particles

Visual arts Focus

The Thai filmmaker Apichatpong Weerasethakul is guest at the Festival d'Automne and Centre Pompidou. His exhibition, featuring around ten video installations, transforms the former solarium into a nocturnal space inhabited by biographical and architectural reminiscences.

Centre Pompidou
octoberoct 5 – 14

Apichatpong Weerasethakul
A Conversation with the Sun (VR), extended edition

Performance Focus

The Thai filmmaker's second foray into performance art, A Conversation with the Sun (VR), extended edition, presented in Paris in a new version enhanced by a third part, uses virtual reality to create the conditions for a collective dream.

Centre Pompidou
octoberoct 23 – 26
Points communs – Théâtre 95
novembernov 12 – 13

Ligia Lewis
Still Not Still

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In Still Not Still, choreographer Ligia Lewis pursues her exploration into the silences and shadows of history. In this piece, the performers play out a score over and over again, the burlesque dimension of which makes it all the more tragic.

Centre Pompidou
novembernov 27 – 30

Forced Entertainment
Signal to Noise

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Over its forty years of existence, with Tim Etchells at the helm, the company has never stopped reinventing itself. And it continues to do so. Amidst an oscillating form of virtual reality, six performers find themselves deprived of their voices and their entire beings. The whole thing goes beyond all understanding... Welcome to this new world.

Centre Pompidou
decemberdec 13 – 22
Théâtre des Quartiers d'Ivry
januaryjan 22 – 26

Sébastien Kheroufi
Par les villages

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Sébastien Kheroufi discovered Peter Handke's Par les villages at the onset of his artistic career. It evokes a writer's return to his native village. Amidst the twilight setting in which one universe declines in favour of another, the voices of the “offended and humiliated” break their silence.