Giuseppe Chico / Barbara Matijevic


Archive 2012


Conception, Giuseppe Chico et Barbara Matijevic 
Dramaturgy Assistant , Saša Bozic
Avec Barbara Matijevic

Production 1er Stratagème and De facto
Coproduction Kaaitheater (Bruxelles) ; UOVO (Milan)
Corealisation La Ménagerie de Verre (Paris) ; Festival d’Automne à Paris
With the support of DRAC Ile de France, Association Beaumarchais-SACD, French Institute of Zagreb, The Croatian Ministry of Culture, The city of Zagreb, PACT Zollverein Essen 
Manifestation organised in « Croatie, la voici », Croatian Festival  in France (Septembre-Decembre 2012)

Forecasting is the  third part of a trilogy exploring History’s narrative mechanismes. The screen of the lap top, showing videos posted on YouTube, interacts with the actors’ bodies. In this new technological era, history is replaced by individual experiences, and time becomes an object of fantasy and manipulation.