Benedict Mason

SEVENTH (for David Alberman and Rolf Hind)...

Archive 2012
Opéra Bastille
septembersept 21

Benedict Mason
SEVENTH (for David Alberman and Rolf Hind)
Rolf Hind, piano
David Alberman, violIn
Benedict Mason, realisation
Felix Dreher, assistant

Corealisation Opéra national de Paris ; Festival d’Automne à Paris
With the help of  Diaphonique, Franco-British Founds  for contempory music, and British Council
With the support of Ernst von Siemens Foundation for music

For Benedict Mason, such sources as an expedition or a landscape can provide an incentive for a composition to exist in a particular space.
Each concert hall has its own dimensions with its open or concealed “corners”.  It is thus not only an area for performing and perceiving, but with its germane acoustics (interior or exterior with performers near or far), and lighting, able to conjure an imaginary world, and set up a distinctive stage and environment for musicians to perform in. SEVENTH is not simply a duo, but a work for two virtuoso musicians well versed in the art of acting, speaking, instrumental invention, acoustic wit and many a Mason illusion with perception and electronics.