Lagartijas Tiradas al Sol

El Rumor del incendio

Archive 2011
Maison des Arts de Créteil
octoberoct 4 – 8

El Rumor del incendio
Creation Lagartijas tiradas al sol
Coordination & text, Luisa Pardo, Gabino Rodríguez
Actors (video), Harold Torres,Cesar Ríos & Mariana Villegas
Design, Juan Leduc
Video, Yulene Olaizola
Light, Marcela Flores, Juanpablo Avendaño
Assistant, Mariana Villegas
Video Assistant , Carlos Gamboa, Genaro Rodríguez
Modèles, Francisco Barreiro
Technical Help for video, Emiliano Leyva
With Francisco Barreiro, Luisa Pardo, Gabino Rodríguez

Production Lagartijas tiradas al sol (Mexico City),Teatro de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Corealisation Maison des Arts Créteil ; Festival d’Automne à Paris

Manifestations organized with the support of the ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes,  ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, and Institut français
With the support of  EDF Énergies Nouvelles and Air France

At the same time actors, writers and stage directors, Luisa Pardo and Gabino Rodríguez founded their company, Lagartijas tiradas
al sol, in 2003, and have rocked Mexican stages ever since. Part of a threefold project involving a play, a book and a blog,
El Rumor del incendio is a “stage documentary” exploring guerrilla movements of the 1960s et 1970s, as a way to question the present time.