Jérôme Bel
"Cédric Andrieux"
Jérôme Bel
decemberdec 8 – 23
« Cédric Andrieux »
with and by Cédric Andrieux
Conception, Jérôme Bel
With some extracts of pieces of Trisha Brown (Newark), Merce Cunningham (Biped, Suite for 5), Philippe Tréhet (Nuit fragile) Jérôme Bel (The show must go on)
Repetitors, Jeanne Steele (Merce Cunningham), Lance Gries (Trisha Brown)
Coproduction Theatre de la Ville-Paris ; Festival d’Automne à Paris ; Philadelphia Live Arts Festival (Philadelphia, USA) ; R.B.Jérôme Bel, Paris with the support of The Centre National de la Danse (Paris), The Ménagerie de Verre (Paris) within the framework of Studiolabs, Baryshnikov Arts Center (New York) / Corealisation Théâtre de la Ville-Paris ; Théâtre de la Cité internationale (Paris) ; Festival d’Automne à Paris / Thanks toYourgos Loukos, Trevor Carlson and Thérèse Barbanel– R.B. receives the support of the regional management of the cultural affairs of Ile-de-France - ministry for the Culture and the Communication as an officially agreed choreographic company, and of the French Institute - Ministry for Foreign Affairs for its rounds abroad
In this eponymous piece, Cédric Andrieux retraces his career as a choreographer and dancer, from training in Brest and Paris to working with Merce Cunningham and the Lyon Opera Ballet. This work comes after a series of collaborations with artists Véronique Doisneau, Isabel Torres, Pichet Klunchun and Lutz Förster.
See also
In the same place