Nikolaï Obouhov / Boris Filanovsky / Valery Voronov / Galina Ustvolskaya
Istztuplenie (Extase), d’après Le Livre de vie...
octoberoct 22
Nikolaï Obouhov
Izstuplenie (Extase), d’après Le Livre de vie
Four Songs to poems by Constantin Balmont for soprano and ensemble
Elmer Schönberger, orchestration
Boris Filanovsky
Words and Spaces pour récitant et ensemble
Valery Voronov
Nouvelle œuvre (commande de Asko|Schoenberg Ensemble,
Concertgebouw d’Amsterdam, Festival d’Automne à Paris)
Galina Ustvolskaya
Composition n°1, Dona nobis pacem, pour piccolo, tuba et piano
Composition n°2, Dies Irae, pour huit contrebasses, percussion et piano
Composition n°3, Benedictus, qui venit, pour quatre flûtes, quatre bassons et piano
Keren Motseri, soprano
Boris Filanovsky, voix
Asko|Schoenberg Ensemble
Reinbert de Leeuw, direction
Corealisation Opéra national de Paris ; Festival d’Automne à Paris
With the participation of Sacem
Event organised under the aegis of the French-Russian year 2010 /
Nikolaï Obouhov (1892-1954), a figure from a hidden past and heir to Alexander Scriabin, took musical expression to extremes, developing a system of notation and his own twelve-tone technique ten years before Schoenberg. Le Livre de vie is his massive and incomplete masterpiece.
Galina Ustvolskaya, discreet in her religious references, was not targeted by the régime, even though her music was radical. She became both model and inspiration for the post-Soviet avant-garde, for figures such as Boris Filanovsky and Valery Voronov.