Merce Cunningham

Pond Way / Second Hand / Antic Meet / Roaratorio

Archive 2010
Théâtre de la Ville – Sarah Bernhardt
novembernov 3 – 13

First program
Pond Way  (1998)
Choreography, Merce Cunningham
Music, Brian Eno, New Ikebukuro for three CDs 1998
Décor, Roy Lichtenstein, Paysage avec bateau
Costumes, Suzanne Gallo
Light, David Covey
With Brandon Collwes, Dylan Crossman, Julie Cunningham, Emma Desjardins, Jennifer Goggans, John Hinrichs, Daniel Madoff, Rashaun Mitchell, Marcie Munnerlyn, Krista Nelson, Silas Riener, Jamie Scott, Melissa Toogood, Andrea Weber
The revival of Pond Way is a commission of Cal Performances, University of California, Berkeley. The revival and preservation of Pond Way are made possible in part through the generous support of American Express.

Second Hand (1970)
Choreography, Merce Cunningham
Music, John Cage, Cheap Imitation
Costumes, Jasper Johns
Light, Richard Nelson
With Brandon Collwes, Julie Cunningham, Emma Desjardins, Jennifer Goggans, John Hinrichs, Rashaun Mitchell, Daniel Madoff, Krista Nelson, Jamie Scott, Robert Swinston
Brandon Collwes, Dylan Crossman, Emma Desjardins, Jennifer Goggans, Rashaun Mitchell, Marcie Munnerlyn, Silas Riener, Robert Swinston, Melissa Toogood, Andrea Weber
Musician, David Behrman
First performance: Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn, New York, 8 January 1970.
Reconstruction and Staging by Carolyn Brown, Merce Cunningham, Sandra Neels. Lighting Design (2008) by Christine Shallenberg.

Antic Meet (1958)
Choreography, Merce Cunningham
Music, John Cage, Concert for piano and orchestra
Décor and costumes, Robert Rauschenberg
With Novembre 3 and 5, 20h30, Novembre 6,15h : Emma Desjardins, Daniel Madoff, Marcie Munnerlyn, Silas Riener, Jamie Scott, Andrea Weber
Novembre 4 and 6, 20h30 : Dylan Crossman, Emma Desjardins, Jennifer Goggans, Daniel Madoff, Krista Nelson, Melissa Toogood
David Behrman, Viola - Takehisa Kosugi, violin - Carol Robinson, Basset Horn - Jesse Stiles, direction - Christian Wolff, piano
Adaptation (2010) par Sandra Neels, assistée par Robert Swinston
Restaging (2010) by Sandra Neels and Robert Swinston
The revival of Antic Meet is a commission of the University of Notre Dame.
The preservation of Antic Meet is made possible in part through the generous support of the National Endowment for the Arts
and Jean Donovan Fisher.

Second Program
Roaratorio (1983)
Choreography, Merce Cunningham
Music, John Cage, Roaratorio, an Irish Circus on Finnegans Wake
Design and Light, Mark Lancaster
With Brandon Collwes, Dylan Crossman, Julie Cunningham, Emma Desjardins, Jennifer Goggans, John Hinrichs, Daniel Madoff, Rashaun Mitchell, Marcie Munnerlyn, Krista Nelson, Silas Riener, Jamie Scott, Robert Swinston, Melissa Toogood, Andrea Weber
First Performance: Festival de Lille, Le Colisée, Roubaix, France, 26 October 1983
Restaged (2010) by Patricia Lent and Robert Swinston
The revival and preservation of Roaratorio has been made possible with generous support from American Express and the National Endowment for the Arts, which believes that a great nation deserves great art.
The revival of Roaratorio is a co-commission of The Montpellier Festival, The Music Center-Los Angeles, and Théâtre de la Ville-Paris and Festival d’Automne à Paris
Coproduction Théâtre de la Ville-Paris ; Festival d’Automne à Paris
Partnership with France Inter

After a homage in 2009, the Festival d’Automne and the Théâtre de la Ville revisit Merce Cunningham’s career with some of the works his company continues to stage today. From Antic Meet to Pond Way, four pieces illustrate the revolution he brought about in dance. They showcase his collaborative work with major artists of the 20th century, such as John Cage, Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns and Marcel Duchamp.

In the same place