Julie Nioche
Nos solitudes
octoberoct 27 – 29
Nos solitudes
Concept, choreography, Performance, Julie Nioche
Music creation, interpretation, Alexandre Meyer
Scenography, Virginie Mira
Costumes, Anna Rizza
Machinerie aérienne, Haut + Court / Didier Alexandre, Gilles Fer
Creation and light, Gilles Gentner
Thanks to Barbara Manzetti
Stage Floor Manager, Stage Manager, Christian Le Moulinier
Thanks to Guillaume de Calan, Nicolas Gicquel, Gabrielle Mallet
Production A.I.M.E. – Association d’Individus en Mouvements Engagés
Associated Production Le Manège de Reims – scène nationale
Coproduction Le Manège de Reims, scène nationale de Reims ; Le Vivat, scène conventionnée danse et théâtre d’Armentières
Corealisation Les Spectacles vivants – Centre Pompidou ; Festival d’Automne à Paris
With the help for the production of ARCADI and the support of the Bateau Feu, scène nationale de Dunkerque
Using surprisingly basic elements – here, a system of ropes and weights –, Julie Nioche creates a dreamlike choreography, poised between freedom and constraint. Accompanied by guitar player Alexandre Mayer, she rises, falls and is suspended into space in reaction to opposing forces. The work reflects on the tensions which bring people together and apart.
In the same place