Karlheinz Stockhausen / Carlus Padrissa

Karlheinz Stockhausen/Carlos Padrissa/ Roland Olbeter/Franc Aleu

Musikfabrik/Peter Rundel/Marco Blaauw/ Nicola Jürgensen

Archive 2008
MC93 – Maison de la Culture de Seine-Saint-Denis
decemberdec 13 – 14

Karlheinz Stockhausen
Donnerstags -Gruss (Michaels-Gruss) (1978)
Michaels Reise um die Erde (Michael's Voyage Around the World)
second act of  Donnerstag aus Licht  (Illuminated Thursday) (1977-1978)
Artistic conception: Carlos Padrissa (La Fura dels Baus)
Roland Olbeter

Franc Aleu (Urano)
Stage Direction: Carlus Padrissa (La Fura dels Baus)
Set Design: Roland Olbeter
Video: Franc Aleu (Urano)
Assitant Director and Choreographer: Valentina Carrasco
Sound Design: Paul Jeukendrup
Light Design: Frank Sobotta
Costume Design: Chu Uroz
Dramatist: Thomas Ulrich
Marco Blaauw, trumpet
Nicola Jürgensen, basset horn
Michel Marang, Fie Schouten, clarinet and  basset horn
Peter Rundel, musical direction
Produced by Wiener Taschenoper in collaboration with Wiener Festwochen
Coproduced by KölnMusik, MusikFabrik and Hellerau
Co-realized by MC93 Bobigny ; Festival d’Automne à Paris
Created within the context of the France-Norhein-Westfalen season 2008/2009
With the support of the Rhineland of Northern-Westphalia
A work presented during the European Cultural Season in France (1st of July- 31st of December)

Michael's Journey Around the Earth is the central act of Donnerstag, from Licht, the opera to which Stockhausen devoted twenty-one years of his life.
The main protagonist is the trumpet, requiring a virtuoso performance. Stopping at seven points on the globe, Michael encounters musicians disguised as penguins, clowns, swallows, and ultimately Eve, played by the basset-horn. 

In the same place