Tim Etchells

Tim Etchells

That Night Follows Day

Archive 2007

That Night Follows Day
Designed, written and directed by Tim Etchells
Assistant to the director: Pascale Petralia
Stage design: Richard Lowdon
Costume design: Ann Weckx, Eva van Kerkhove
Lighting design: Nigel Edwards
Artistic coordination: Marika Ingels
Dutch translators: Catherine Thys, Pascale Petralia, Marika Ingels
French translation : Monique Nagielkopf
Training and accompaniment of the children: Lotte De Vuyst and Merel Van den Steen
Vocal training: Françoise Vanhecke
With Tessa Acar, Hannah Bailliu, Michiel Bogaert, Spencer Bogaert, Lina Boudry, Taja Boudry, Tristan Claus, Amber
Coone, Tineke De Baere, Florian De Temmerman, Yen Kaci ,Lana Lippens, Jérôme Marynissen, Aswin Van
de Cotte, Viktor Van Wynendaele, Ineke Verhaegen
Thanks to Isotta Mergaert
Production manager: Wim Clapdorp

Produced by Victoria/Gand
Co-produced by Steirischer Herbst/Graz; Productiehuis Rotterdam; Les Spectacles vivants-Centre Pompidou and the
Festival d’Automne à Paris
With support from Guy de Wouters and the kunstenFESTIVALdesArts/Brussels; Fierce Earth/Birmingham; Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione and the
Theaterfestival Spielart/Munich

Tim Etchells intensifies the political side of the performance, using only child actors who utter in unison an endless litany of daily commands, and shout at the ‘‘grown-ups’’ sitting across from them about how the adult world structures and conditions their lives. This is a funny but dark and frighteningly truthful commentary, written from true-life observations – with no concessions.

In the same place

Centre Pompidou
septembersept 27 – 29

Mathilde Monnier

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In Territoires, Mathilde Monnier will be taking over the galleries of the Centre Pompidou during the course of a weekend in order to bring us a piece that deals with memory and circulation, "a collection of gestures from her work over the past thirty years". In doing so, the choreographer sets up the possibility of playing out memory in the present, from now onwards, or by means of anticipation.

Centre Pompidou
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Apichatpong Weerasethakul

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Apichatpong Weerasethakul presents the complete retrospective of his films at the Centre Pompidou. It consists of his eight feature films, thirty or so short (and rare) films, various collective works, and two feature films produced by him.

Centre Pompidou
octoberoct 2 - december – dec 2

Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Night Particles

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The Thai filmmaker Apichatpong Weerasethakul is guest at the Festival d'Automne and Centre Pompidou. His exhibition, featuring around ten video installations, transforms the former solarium into a nocturnal space inhabited by biographical and architectural reminiscences.

Centre Pompidou
octoberoct 5 – 14

Apichatpong Weerasethakul
A Conversation with the Sun (VR)

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A Conversation with the Sun (VR), the Thai filmmaker's second foray into the realm of performance, uses virtual reality to set up the conditions for a collective dream.

Centre Pompidou
octoberoct 23 – 26
Points communs – Théâtre 95
novembernov 12 – 13

Ligia Lewis
Still Not Still

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In Still Not Still, choreographer Ligia Lewis pursues her exploration into the silences and shadows of history. In this piece, the performers play out a score over and over again, the burlesque dimension of which makes it all the more tragic.

Centre Pompidou
novembernov 27 – 30

Forced Entertainment
Signal to Noise

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Over its forty years of existence, with Tim Etchells at the helm, the company has never stopped reinventing itself. And it continues to do so. Amidst an oscillating form of virtual reality, six performers find themselves deprived of their voices and their entire beings. The whole thing goes beyond all understanding... Welcome to this new world.

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Sébastien Kheroufi
Par les villages

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Sébastien Kheroufi discovered Peter Handke's Par les villages at the onset of his artistic career. It evokes a writer's return to his native village. Amidst the twilight setting in which one universe declines in favour of another, the voices of the “offended and humiliated” break their silence.