Scène artistique du Moyen-Orient


Archive 2007

Designed and coordinated by Catherine David
Musical advisor: Halim Dekkiche

With Omar Amiralay (Damas ), Bahman Kiarostami, (Téhéran) Ala Alabdallah (Paris), Sinan Antoon (New-York), Saadi Youssef, (Londres) Khalil Joreige et Joana Hadjithomas (Beyrouth), Hassan Khan (Le Caire), Rabih Mroué (Beyrouth), Lina Saneh (Beyrouth), Tamim Barghuti (Le Caire /sous réserve), Hamid Dabashi (New-York/ sous réserve), Samah Selim (Marseille), Schéhérazade Hassan (Paris), Kadhim Jihad (Paris), Abdellah Karroum (Rabat)...

A detailed programme of these two week-ends  can be found at:
With financial help of American Center Foundation and the "Banque Libano-Française"
Special thanks to Marantz, matali crasset and Lieu Commun
As the world develops new borders, art redefines its territories, with historical and political perspectives. Several events – performances, readings, exhibits and panels – will focus this year on new art in Iran, Lebanon, and Iraq.