Omar Amiralay

Rétrospective Omar Amiralay

Archive 2007
Jeu de Paume
octoberoct 16 - november – nov 16
Images du Moyen-Orient : Rétrospective Omar Amiralay et Cinémas d'Egypte, Iran, Israël, Jordanie, Liban, Palestine, Syrie
Fictions et documentaires

Here is a unique opportunity to discover the work and ideas of a Syrian filmmaker and political activist who has declared that “Any truth is suspicious as long as human conscience and History do not question it. I fluctuate between documentary and fiction because deep down I tend to play around with uncertainty and to ‘tickle’ ambiguity. Yes, that’s a good way to put it: I want to ‘tickle’ life…”

Les Poules (Al Dajaj), 1977, 40', vostf
Le malheur des uns… (Masa'ibou Qawmen) 1982, 52', vostf
Le Sarcophage de l'amour (Al Houb Al Mawood), 1985, 50', vf
Il y a tant de choses encore à raconter (Hounalika Achya'a Kathira Kana Youmken An Yatahadath Anha Al Mar'e)
1997, video, 50', vostf
La Vie quotidienne dans un village syrien (Al Hayat Al Yawmiya fi Qariya Souxriyya), 1974, 85', vostf
À l'attention de Madame le Premier ministre Benazir Bhutto (Ila Janab Al Sayyda Raisat Alwezara' Benazir Boto)
1989-1994, 62', vostf
L'Ennemi intime (Al Adou Al Hamim), 1986, 54', vf
Déluge au pays du Baas (Toufan Fi Balad Al Baas), 2003, video, 46', vostf
Ombres et lumières (Nouron wa Zilal), 1994, video, 35', vostf
Un parfum de paradis (Ra'Ihatou Al Janna), 1982, 42', vf
L'Homme aux semelles d'or (Al Rajol Zou Annal' Azzahabi), 2000, video,
55', vostf
Par un jour de violence ordinaire, mon ami Michel Seurat… (Fi Yaom min Ayyam Al Ounf Al Adi, Mata Sadiqui Michel Seurat…)
1996, 50', vostf