De Mongolie

The Secret History of the Mongols

Archive 2006

The Secret History of the Mongols told and sung according to the bards’ oral tradition, in two parts
Burenbayar, storyteller-epic singer (tuul’) and four-string hurdy-gurdy (dorvon tchigtei khuur)
Artistic advisor, Alain Desjacques
Felt installation by Blanche de la Taste and Aline Desherbais
In collaboration with Maison de l’architecture, Cité européenne des Récollets and Centre international d’accueil et d’échanges des Récollets
Co-produced with the Lincoln Center Festival /
New York
With the support of Guy de Wouters

The Secret Story of the Mongols is to Mongolia what the Mahabharata is to India. This seminal text, presented in two separate programs, is also a comprehensive cultural work: an epic, a chronicle, a historical and political document and a literary work, perpetually enriched by the oral delivery of the bards and musicians, who weave their cultural history into a rich tapestry incorporating ancestral values and modern-day developments.