Bruno Geslin

Joë Bousquet / Bruno Geslin

Je porte malheur aux femmes…

Archive 2006
Théâtre de la Bastille
octoberoct 30 - december – dec 30
Je porte malheur aux femmes, mais je ne porte pas bonheur aux chiens
Based on Joë Bousquet’s life and work
New work
Directed and filmed by Bruno Geslin
Artistic collaborator, Jean-François Auguste
Space design: Marc Lainé and Stephan Zimmerli
Musical composition, Teddy Degouys and Emmanuelle Piettre
Cello, Emmanuelle Piettre

Performed by Jean-François Auguste, Denis Lavant, Kathleen Reynolds (cast TBA)

Executive producer: Théâtre de la Bastille

Co-produced by Théâtre de la Bastille-Théâtre de l’Agora,
Scène nationale d’Evry et de l’Essonne. Supported by Région Île-de-France, Théâtre national de Bretagne / Rennes, Dieppe-Scène nationale, Théâtre de Nîmes, Théâtre national Bordeaux Aquitaine and Festival d’Automne à Paris
With the support of ADAMI
Special thanks to René Piniès of the Joë Bousquet Center in Carcassonne

Fascinated with utter idiosyncrasies, Geslin follows up on his 2004 portrait of surrealist photographer Pierre Molinier by applying the same empathy to explore the life and work of Joë Bousquet. Paralyzed by an injury to his spine, Joë Bousquet guides us like a man who lost his way and marches with his eyes closed, terrified of his own nightmare.