Anathema (nouveau titre pour Imensa)

Archive 2005
Théâtre de la Bastille
novembernov 14 - december – dec 14

Text, José Luis Peixoto
Costumes, An D’Huys
With Jolente De Keersmaeker, Tiago Rodrigues
Production tg STAN
Co-presented by Théâtre de la Bastille, Culturgest / Lisbonne
Festival d’Automne à Paris

One of STAN’s founding members, Jolente de Keersmaeker, has teamed up with Portuguese author and director, Tiago Rodrigues, to produce this specially commissioned stageplay by the prize-winning novelist, José Luis Peixoto. Peixoto’s first novel, Nenhum Olhar (Blank Gaze) won the 2001 José Saramago prize for best Portuguese-language novel. Keersmaeker lauds Peixoto’s “ability to guide the reader to the innermost depths of human nature.”