Raimund Hoghe

Raimund Hoghe

Young People, Old Voices

Archive 2005

Direction and choreography, Raimund Hoghe
Artistic Collaboration, Luca Giacomo Schulte
Light, Raimund Hoghe, Amaury Seval
Sound, Frank Strätker
Music, Leo Ferré, Pablo Casals, Judy Garland, Dean Martin, Bobby Solo, Peggy Lee, Pat Boone, Patsy Cline, Leonard Bernstein, Niña de Antequerra, Etta James, Alberta Hunter, Rebecca Pan, Patti Page,Billie Holiday, Victoria de los Angeles, Dalida, Bette Davis, Jacques Brel, Lieven Dousselaere
With Lorenzo De Brabandere, Wouter Bouchez, Sarah Késenne,
Kristin Rogghe, Pascale Cuggia, Heine Røsdal Avdal, Nicolas Marie, Koen De Preter, Bérengère Bodin, Dorien Bastiaensen, Lieven Dousselaere, Raimund Hoghe
Production Kaaitheater / Bruxelles & Bruges 2002 – Cultural Capital of Europe
CoproducedbyMontpellier Danse, Springdance / Works / Utrecht, Pumpenhaus / Münster
Co-presented by Les Spectacles vivants-Centre Pompidou, Festival d’Automne à Paris
With the support of Ministerium für Wohnen und Städtebau, Kultur und Sport des Landes, Nordrhein-Westfalen, De Vlaamse Gemeenschap - NRW in Flandern 2002
in collaboration with Groupe Kam Laï/Paris, Cultuurcentrum Bruges
Arte : Carte postale of Raimund Hoghe, Direction Richard Copans
Octobre 30, 8.15PM in Danse

One part journey into collective memory, one part socio-political manifesto, Raimund Hoghe’s choreography is a minimalist take on Stravinsky’s The Rite Of Spring – without the pagan melodies! The emotional resonance is here provided by the chansons populaires of Jacques Brel, Léo Ferré and Dean Martin. Hoghe joins a dozen younger dancers in a work that takes aim at modern notions of beauty and the body.

In the same place

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