Julie Brochen

Julie Brochen


Archive 2005

of Yukio Mishima
Translation, Marguerite Yourcenar
with the collaboration Jun Shiragi (Silla)
Direction, Julie Brochen assisted by Julia Delarue
Musical and vocal Direction, Françoise Rondeleux
Musical composition, François Loriquet
Scenography, Enrico Baradel et Julie Terrazzoni
Light, Olivier Oudiou
Costumes, Sylvette Dequest
with Muriel Amat, Enrico Baradel, Julie Denisse et François Loriquet
Production Théâtre de l’Aquarium
Co-presented by Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne E.T.E, TNT-Théâtre National de Toulouse, Festival d’Automne à Paris

A young woman spends her every waking moment on a train-station bench, holding an open fan that once belonged to Hanjo, a geisha of yore. At least that’s what she tells a journalist. It was, in fact, given to her by a lover to ensure they would meet again. But the man’s failure to reappear has left the woman mad and despondent. Separation anxiety takes center stage as love and loss wreak their emotional havoc.