Enrique Diaz
Enrique Diaz
octoberoct 14 – 16
Text, Felipe Miguez
Direction, Enrique Diaz
Music, Carlos Cardoso
Scenography, Fernando Mello da Costa
Costumes, Marcelo Olinto
Light, Maneco Quinderé
Corporal Training, Lucia Aratanha
Choreography, Jayme Arõxa
With Bel Garcia, Cesar Augusto, Drica Moraes, Gustavo Gasparani, Marcelo Olinto, Marcelo Valle, Susana Ribeiro
Production Cia dos Atores
With the support of Centre Culturel Banco do Brasil
Enrique Diaz is the associated Artist at Ferme du Buisson – Scène Nationale de Marne La Vallée
Production Made In Productions for la Ferme du Buisson
With the support of Onda
Tour : Parvis Tarbes October 19, Festival de théâtre franco-ibérique et latino-américain,
Bayonne Octobre21 and 22,
TNP / Villeurbanne November 15 to November 19
All the clichés of the latter-day ‘culture industry’ find new expression in this provocative theatrical reworking by Brazil’s Companhia dos Atores. The company enlists staples of popular fiction – the gigolo, the young ingénue, the romantic hero, the dishonored woman – along with references to popular culture, and the sensual rhythms of the tango or bolero. The result: a ‘meta’ melodrama that doubles as a codebreaker of pop culture.
In the same place