Sorour Darabi

Born in 1990 in Shiraz, Iran, Sorour Darabi is a transdisciplinary artist based in France, working and living in Paris. He was a member of the underground association ICCD, whose Untimely festival (Tehran) hosted his work before he left for France. In 2013, he joined the Master Ex.e.r.ce at ICI-CCN in Montpellier. Since 2016, his projects have been performed in numerous theatres and festivals in France and abroad: Palais de Tokyo (Paris), Centre Pompidou (Paris), Lafayette Anticipation (Paris), Festival d'Automne (Paris), Centre National de la Danse (Paris), Tanzquartier (Vienna), Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels), Tanztage Festival (Berlin), Festival TransAmérique (Montreal), Zürcher Theater Spektakel (Zürich), Alkantara (Lisbon)... He created Farci.e in 2016 and Savusun in 2018 at Montpellier Danse, Mowgli in 2021 at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Natural Drama the same year at the Festival d'Automne, From the Throat to the Dawn in 2022 at the Palais de Tokyo and Mille et Une Nuits is created in 2024 at the Montpellier Danse festival.

Cet automne

La Villette
octoberoct 16 - 19

Sorour Darabi, DEEPDAWN
One Thousand and One Nights


Sorour Darabi, the Iranian choreographer, who has been living in France since 2013, unveils his first opera, an ambulatory performance which enables voices marginalized by ancient myths to be heard. It is a piece devised by and for committed bodies.

Sorour Darabi au Festival d'Automne