Soa Ratsifandrihana

Soa Ratsifandrihana is a dancer and choreographer. After studying at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris, Soa made her debut in works by James Thierrée, Salia Sanou and Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, whose company she later joined. Among her many productions, she danced in the revival of Fase, Four Movements to the Music of Steve Reich (1982), a piece hailed by the New York Times as one of the "Best dances of 2019". In October 2021, she presented her first solo, g r oo v e, in Brussels. The show has been performed over forty times and continues to tour Europe. At the same time, Soa is developing a diptych in the form of a radio creation Rouge Cratère and a show entitled Fampitaha, fampita, fampitàna. Following on from her first solo, she is interested in the possible entanglements between radio narrative, choreographic composition and music. For the period 2023-2025, Soa is artist-in-residence at Kaaitheater in Brussels.

Cet automne

MC93 – Maison de la culture de Seine-Saint-Denis
septembersept 18 – 22

Soa Ratsifandrihana
Fampitaha, fampita, fampitàna


Committing moving bodies to a contemporary form of orality, Soa Ratsifandrihana, the guitarist Joël Rabesolo and performers Audrey Mérilus and Stanley Ollivier draw on their diasporic narratives and origins to tell a story they would have liked to hear or see. The three Malagasy words Fampitaha, fampita, fampitàna, meaning comparison, transmission and rivalry, form variations in which the performers slide in and out of different states and seem to follow a movement in perpetual metamorphosis.