Robert Wilson

Robert Wilson's work for the stage incorporates a wide variety of media, including dance, movement, light, sculpture, music and text. His aesthetically striking images are emotionally charged, and his productions have won him praise from audiences and critics around the world. After training at the University of Texas and the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, Robert Wilson founded the Byrd Hoffman School of Byrds in New York in the mid-1960s, and developed his first solo works, including Deafman Glance (1970) and A Letter for Queen Victoria (1974-1975). Since 1972, he has regularly presented his works at the Festival d'Automne in Paris. With Philip Glass, he wrote the landmark opera Einstein on the Beach (1976). He has collaborated with many writers and musicians, including Heiner Müller, Tom Waits, Susan Sontag, Laurie Anderson, William Burroughs, Lou Reed, Jessye Norman and Anna Calvi. Robert Wilson's drawings and paintings have been shown in hundreds of group and solo exhibitions around the world. In 2021, he will create BACH 6 SOLO with Lucinda Childs and Jennifer Koh at the Chapelle Saint-Louis de la Salpêtrière to open the 50th edition of the Festival d'Automne.

Cet automne

Théâtre de la Ville – Sarah Bernhardt
novembernov 5 - 16

Robert Wilson
PESSOA – Since I've been me


The hero of this new work by Robert Wilson is Fernando Pessoa. And a paradoxical hero at that. The Portuguese poet spent his life 'multiplying himself', inventing heteronyms, or fictitious authors, to whom he attributed works he himself wrote. He even went as far as to invent relationships, either amicable ones or from master to disciple, between his different avatars.