Nacera Belaza

Born in Algeria, Nacera Belaza lives and works in France. After studying modern literature, she set up her own company in 1989, with the aim of expressing and unravelling the complexity of a dual cultural background. Since her first pieces, Le Sommeil rouge (1999) and Le Pur hasard (2005), she has explored movement as a continuous breath, confronting patience, rigour and simplicity with what she calls the "deafening din of our lives". Her work continues with Le Cri (2008), which won the Prix de la révélation chorégraphique from the Syndicat de la Critique, Les Oiseaux (2014) and L'Onde (2020). Her work is regularly presented internationally, and in France at the Festival d'Automne à Paris, Montpellier Danse, the Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis and the Festival de Marseille. Alongside her work in France and abroad, she has set up a cooperative in Algeria, enabling her to work regularly with her native country.

Cet automne

MC93 – Maison de la culture de Seine-Saint-Denis
novembernov 5 - 8

Nacera Belaza
La Nuée


With a reputation for minimalist and captivating choreographies, Nacera Belaza continues the exploration of the circle and rhythm she initiated with Le Cercle (2019) and L'Onde (2021), both landmarks in her choreographic language. Following on from an initial period of creation in Brussels in May 2024, the choreographer then enlarged the creative process of La Nuée by inviting ten new performers to the stage.

Scène nationale de l'Essonne – Théâtre de l’Agora
decemberdec 17

Nacera Belaza
Sur le fil


Sur le fil is an attempt to escape from oneself, via an infinite acceptation and a going beyond of the frontiers of the body. The choreographer Nacera Belaza preceeds her emblematic piece with a reduction, for children from the Bobigny neighbourhood and Paris. From adult to child, professional to amateur, what do we see in this gesture?


Nacera Belaza au Festival d'Automne